

Production I.G, GUILTY CROWN, Inori Yuzuriha, Trading Cards
Production I.G Studio GUILTY CROWN Series Inori Yuzuriha Character Trading Cards Source


This Inori is so cool, though a bit OOC. XD
I couldn't help scanning this art. ^^ Hope you'll like it as much as I do.

(One of my Weiss-Schwarz cards, I have 21 of them, most of them are screenshots or of.art which is already in the gallery)


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Browse GUILTY CROWN Gallery: Recent | Popular.


  1. ArslanSSS Sep 06, 2012

    Loved the scan, her smile here is really something. thank you for sharing this.

  2. Aliceblond Sep 06, 2012

    Thank you ArslanSSS, I'm glad that you like my scan. ^^
    By the way I think that this might be Mana in Inori's body, not Inori herself (regarding her smile and facial expression). Don't know if it is true or not.

  3. Ashen-Phoenix Sep 15, 2012

    I'd agree about her being Mana-possessed. That's more emotion than she ever showed in the series proper.

    Hmm... Now I'm curious if there're more cards like this of the other characters.

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