
D Gray-Man (Allen Walker, Lavi, Lenalee Lee, Timcanpy, Bookman, Miranda Lotto, Johnny Gill, Bak Chan, Komui Lee, Yu Kanda, Cross Marian, Reever Wenham, Froi Tiedoll, Arystar Krory, Malcolm C. Leverrier , Fou, Howard Link)

TMS Entertainment, D Gray-Man, Miranda Lotto, Malcolm C. Leverrier , Allen Walker
TMS Entertainment Studio D Gray-Man Series Miranda Lotto Character Malcolm C. Leverrier  Character Allen Walker Character


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  1. minaru03 Sep 10, 2012

    oh! my god realy good scan !thank you for sharing

  2. Mudkipblader Nov 16, 2012

    OMg, Thank you sooo much! I've been wanting to get nice pictures of the DVD covers since I saw them on the Japanese website. This is probably the best way o finishing the anime DVD series: With a group picture.
    Thanks again. <3
    Do you happen to have the others (like Kanda) as well? ovo

  3. LovleySoulxmaka Aug 12, 2013

    OMG! Thank you soooo much!
    Allen is sooo cute! Sorry For FanGirling!...

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