I have to say, the vector is pretty great <3 Thin lines worked out nicely here.
As for the BG, I do love the sky...it's crisp and sharp which makes me feel the moonlight's aura
and really gaze into the stars. Everything under needs a bit more blending, to me the choice of showing some
green and the trees really means you gotta detail them. In the moonlight things are brighter and details will
be seen if it's shined upon. I think a tree tutorial or just some tree brushes could have helped you more.
The trees in front, more near Asuka should have just stayed solid black. And to be honest Asuka wouldn't be as
highlighted as she is if you positioned the moon behind her.
Technically speaking only a bit of moonlight is shining on her. Her top hairs, arm and leg get the actual
moonlight. Then almost her whole body after is being covered by her cockpit, she should actually be darkened.
The area where the water hits should be dark too, I'm not sure what it is but making it darker would
have it make more sense since the trees are darkened. The water is fantastic, it could be darker in some places as well
though so that the shine stands out more.
I do adore the concept though, she looks very relaxed and I'd love to be where she's at! <3