Kitty i loved the colors *cheers*
and it looks really cute i really loved the warm feel you gave it!
thanks a lot for making this wallie <3
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Raichu :D
Danielly requested a surfing raichu so here it is :D
She mentioned the game pokemon stadium and how Raichu uses surf and wanted a wall of that. I remember I played that game long ago but my wii is plugged in instead of my nintendo 64...i think I will play it again sometime *-* I didn't want it looking similar to the surfing pikachu wall so I decided to use some brown/pink tones. Very simple but I like *-* Hope Danielly likes too :D
Oh! And i drew these today lool I might end up drawing many and posting on the site fully colored *_* Cliky! :D (sorry for cam quality lool)
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Danielly Aug 22, 2012
fireflywishes Retired Moderator Aug 23, 2012
Ehhhhhh, you're taking requests now? XD
...Hoppip is awesome, just saying... XD
I love the color scheme you used for this, and most of your other Pokemon walls. I liked the muted effect--- makes it seem more, ah, mature. (And I don't feel as bad being almost 30 and using it as my wallpaper. Haha!)
Tifa-chan Aug 25, 2012
I'm loving your pokemon wallpapers and this one of Raichu is very cute too! *o* Congratulations for your beautiful works! ^_^-
(Bulbasaur! Yaay! <3 )
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