Oh, wow, that hair is gorgeous~ And I love the way you made her lips, they look so soft despite being vectored and match well with the smudged skin. There's just a weird purple-blue blob of color below her chin where that cherry blossom is, can't figure out is that a shadow or something else. I also wish the cherry blossoms were less transparent and less blurry together with that tree branch but everything else is love. Keep it up!
Artist Comment
So it came from this scan.
I actually wanted to do this in black and white but that didn't happen haha.
No other submissions
Alenas Retired Moderator Jul 19, 2012
ArslanSSS Jul 19, 2012
Very Nice wallpaper, Massive improvement over scan, thanks for sharing
Horseradish Jul 19, 2012
Everything looks absolutely GORGEOUS. (OwO) My only gripe is the cherry blossom! D: Why do they looks transparent? And the branches look very blurred as well (seeing the whole piece is a sharp, crisp, and clean vector). OR, better yet, I think everything would look nice without the cherry blossom at all. :D
akiranyo Jul 19, 2012
Your skills are almost crazy, even if you are a vectoring pro, close-ups are still a additional difficulty, and you just went trough it with a bang. You should definitely make walls for us more often.
bloosom Jul 20, 2012
this..is absolutely .... amazing.
..elegant ... i mean... i really ADORE .. this..,,
(this is the first time ive used that word) -
angelxxuan Banned Member Jul 20, 2012
very nice style you had going for this one, have no idea where it comes from so I got something new to hunt down and look into. I found the "colored" version far better than a black and white, but it would be curious how a black and white version would have came out.
dchoggia14 Jul 23, 2012
Nice wallpaeper, the colours looks so life.
clymore Jul 24, 2012
woa i like the way you did the match with the colors
thans for sdharing
elisadevelon Retired Moderator Jul 27, 2012
Guess that everyone has been praising you for the hair and I totally agree with them. The lighting/shading looks really impressive and the hair is amazingly detailed. I also love the eye - it's beautifully done. The only thing I'd change is the transparency of the flowers.
eckrima Nov 10, 2012
that was a gooooooooooood one
GloriaChan Aug 02, 2013
this is wonderful :3 +fav <3
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