
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: She Suffered From Loneliness

Matsuri Hino, Studio DEEN, Vampire Knight, Yuuki Cross, Vector Art Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Studio DEEN Studio Vampire Knight Series Yuuki Cross Character Vector Art Source

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hi there..
Vampire Knight is an anime i really HATE! and yuuki is the most thing that i hate in that anime, but i just can't help but liking the art. And i also must admit that yuuki looks cute with long hair. And yeah..i don't think this will be my only wall of VK ;3
about the wall...well this is (again) an old work of mine (2\3 months ago)
this wall had two firsts for me..1-Vector an uncolored scan....2-i make the whole BG by my imagination ^^
i actully liked this scan and wanted to make something with it
(i won't lie if i said that i wanted to quit in lots of steps in this one,i mean it was my 3rd vector after all)
i know that this one looks different than the other VK walls, so sorry for it and i'm I'll try to make sure that I'll do a better one next time ^^
BTW..what you see on the left (believe it or not) is a curtain :o i know it looks bad a bit but i just liked it when i had the idea in my mind "^^, just didn't think it would look this bad on the wallpaper...
for the Rabbit, it just came to me so i used this scan
i took in this one an almost a week and over than +140 layer (the whole wall)
i really hope you like this pic and remember this is one of my very firsts so excuse me for my mistakes ^^
PS:Trees and Bats are the only brushes here (and the last time i use some)

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  1. LadyZ Jul 18, 2012

    Magnificent! Thank you very much for your work. I like Yuuki in this character! So noble and mysterious vampire. ^^

  2. riho88riho Jul 18, 2012

    I like the wallpaper concept a lot and it was done very beautifully. However I must say the curtain stands out a bit too much for me with its thicker/larger lines and bright color. I feel it might've suited better had it been a gray or white. See-through also might've benefited to take away from the major focus. My eyes are instantly drawn to the curtain before anything else and I'm not sure you wanted that to be the focus.

    But don't get me wrong, I love the wallpaper. You did a fine job with Yuki and the bunny as well as with the surroundings. Awesome work ^-^

  3. KwonLeeNa Aug 04, 2012

    This wall is so sparkling ^^! I love it, Thanks for sharing :')

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