Haha, I also lol'd at the RxJ tag. Fixed. xD

1920x1200 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
EDIT: LMAO THIS IS NOT RxJ category... or Black Cat... what
thought I was done with classes already but... long story. Surprisingly I don't have as much time to myself as expected- still busy, and I only get to play at night. So the quality of my drawings went down the toilet, lol. nvm
video process: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYUq57XwVLA
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Alenas Retired Moderator Jul 09, 2012
dchoggia14 Jul 09, 2012
Cool wallpaper, I like it. Favs
srsn Jul 10, 2012
Everyting looks nice Tsunoh, but I just find the right most girl's head a bit big compared t her body.
Tsasu Jul 10, 2012
this look's like a good anime.
atashi07 Jul 10, 2012
this is really great! I always love your artwork! great job! thanks for sharing~
bloosom Jul 10, 2012
i like..it...
Dancerinthedark Jul 10, 2012
another COOL wallpaper made by Tsunoh-san!
good job ^^ -
CyanideBlizzard Retired Moderator Aug 09, 2012
So, this was the first piece I wanted to comment on, but due to poor time management on my part all I could do was simply admire it and wonder when I'd be able to actually comment on it. It's not the oldest piece that I want to comment on, no. That pleasure shall be reserved for another wallpaper, but heya, let's dive right into this beautiful game world piece!
So, like always, I enjoy watching your progress. It's always incredible watching a work of art come together, and how you form the chaos into breath-taking features never ceases to amaze. So, one of the comments you made mention is how, zoomed in, your pieces look sort of like a mess. To be honest, I kind of like that about them. I look at art itself as being a fragmented chaos, and when assembling all of the pieces, your shaping that chaos itself into something. It not only represents your style, but it also gives this raw feel to it. Sure, one might say that's covering up the fact, but I personally believe that not every detail needs to be perfectly recognizable. It gives more of a resembles of real life in this aspect, as we can't pinpoint every fiber on a piece of clothing we wear, or every skin cell on us either.
With that out of the way, I really love your ability to craft a gorgeous scene packed with unique characters. The robotic maid is my personal favorite in this piece. She's got a very distinct look and those eyes are gorgeous as well. One thing I've definitely noticed is you've incorporated a lot more detail to your characters and their outfits. I love how unique each and every outfit is, and more importantly how diverse they are. Each character has a story to tell, and I can play out in my mind just how the character might act and behave like based upon their appearance.
I love the whole black-hole style towers and the architecture of everything, but it also strikes me as a bit of an off place to have tea at. However, that may also be some of the appeal of it. It's not a place you'd normally expect for characters to sit down and relax. It almost has this battleground type appearance. It shows that no matter where you are, you should relax and enjoy yourself. If anything else, I'd recommend more detail in the background itself. I really love it and I want to see more of it, but I can also see with your fragmented chaos style, how it'd be rather difficult to incorporate.
I absolutely love this color pallet. It's nothing short of drop dead gorgeous. Aside from the background itself possibly using a bit more, it's got this haunting beauty to it. Stunning!
grimmangel Nov 10, 2012
WoW, It's rare to see Elsword Fan Art,Nice Job! Especially the Eve
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