Really nice wall, effects a textures also looks good, does not feel like you were inexperienced in 2010,
thank you for sharing this.
Artist Comment
So,I made this one long time ago: 2010. Two years ago. lol
I find this one very nice, it was made in Photoshop Cs2, which one has different effects layout of PsCs5, so, I think
it's like a.. rare edition, at least for that time when I wasn't so experienced.
Is an assembly work, there's a render which one was
extracted from this scan. The background was
something i had, for some reason, in my computer and I have no idea where is it from. lol. So i searched for it and i
found this kind of blog or something, I really
don't know what it is, because I don't understand the language at all. lol
Anyways, its was really hard to adjust the render in order to take the blue out of it. Balancing them was the challenge, nowadays its easier to me, but, surely not in that time. I used effects such as Brightness/contrast, levels, color balance, etc, layer by layer, no effect layer. I'm not sure, but I think I used a texture, doesn't really know which one or where from. lol
Hope so much you like it the way I do. (:
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ArslanSSS Jul 05, 2012
Dancerinthedark Jul 05, 2012
you did a great job on the background...I like it...also like the character!
keep up the good work ^^ -
YuuichiYouko Jul 07, 2012
Cool looking wall. And she looks cute, so faving
MisaSasekage Moderator Jul 09, 2012
The girl is cute and I really like her dress^^
Gablogarb Jul 11, 2012
the darknest effect is great! good joob! ^^
SisyCiel Jul 29, 2012
great! love the darkness :D
dream3r Nov 25, 2012
So dramatic~~ Loved it ^^
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