This is very pretty and cute but I'd like to ask you to update this with your signature on it otherwise it will have to be deleted...
Artist Comment
Works with
- My Pencil and Eraser
- Paint Tool SAI
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
Music Which give strength is 'Checkmate' by Hayashi Yuki
Finally done with this, my longest work hours.face many sulking when made this one, I'm really sorry if it's
still not good yet..... The Story About 4 Girls from different country.
From the Left(with bicycle) is Sora Natsuno ( Japan), May Lin (China), Ayu ( Indonesia) and Alicia ( France), When Sora
go home alone, Lin come and said that Their song win the contest, Ayu and Alicia already hear it. They are sharing their
melodies in this Spring of life.
Okay If you want to look my signature.i Already blend it with the name of School "INORI"
The Euf down there is my Sign. And one more Signature is in the pink Headphone ^_^. Cause I blend it with my Artwork
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Alenas Retired Moderator May 28, 2012
EuforiaAmuritaNatsumi May 28, 2012
I Already blend it with the name of School "INORI"
The Euf down there is my Sign. And the Sign in the pink Headphone is my Sign too ^_^. Cause I blend it with my Artwork -
Alenas Retired Moderator May 28, 2012
Quote by alenasThis is very pretty and cute but I'd like to ask you to update this with your signature on it otherwise it will have to be deleted...
Oh, lol, I thought it might be it but it was really hard to tell. All good then. xD
AnGeeChan May 29, 2012
Good work with the characters, there aren't any huge mistakes in their body drawings, you did really good (besides Ayu's hand, but hands are always difficult to draw, and I really like Sora's hands on the other hand XD), and you did great job with their skirts! Maybe you should pay closer attention to the BG cause its a lot less detailed than the girls. But also you can focus more on the charas, without doing any BG at all or just on a little space and let the girls take the rest.
Anyway, I like it when someone is really into his own original story and charas, I wish you best luck with yours! -
EuforiaAmuritaNatsumi May 29, 2012
Arigatou naa AnGee-chan, I'm glad that you like my artwork ^_^ Yeah It's really hard to make hand and BG for me =w=, and I'll do my best for the next Artwork, I have to ballance it, about BG and the Chara ^_^Need more learn , Benkyoushimashou Ou^0^
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