I like it a lot, the different shades of green and the mirror give it such a clean, crisp feeling. and i actually like the unfilled-up spaces, i don't like too much clutter, it distracts from the focus, and these two guys are really nice too focus on...(laughs)! Thanks for your effort!
Artist Comment
Ah, yes, Eagle Vision and Geo from Magic Knight Rayearth from a wall I did a few years ago. I had to actually make the left-hand side of the mirror (and consequently redo the whole mirror's glass area other than Eagle's reflection). Lots of cutting/pasting/cursing. :D Also did actually do the background portion, keeping it pretty much like it was on the right-hand side of the original image. I can see a few things I'd do differently. It is a bit on the plain side, but...I'm never sure what to fill up the space with. ;) Suggestions/comments appreciated!
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