I haven't seen a dark hunters around in quite some time and I have to admit you did a wonder job on Xiamara. the crisp gothic feel to it, with the combination of black and purple, well done. the moon's glow in the background finishes it up nicely. have to say you did great work on the brushes for the feathers. from your other work, and I can remember some of them in the past, this one was put together just as well. since you're drawing again can't wait to see more which might float by with your name attached to it. I typically tend to lurk a lot in this part of the site, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying good art :)
Artist Comment
Back to life, or something xD
I've been drawing a lot lately, it so much fun and so i have drawn ♥♥♥
anyway, I LOVE SIMI SO MUUUUUUCH, she is so adorable <333
tried to stay close to her description and her manga look :))
IF YOU HAVEN'T READ DARK HUNTER GO READ IT NOW, IT SO AWESOME <3 (mainly books, cause manga is really hard to
used these feather brushes:
by runeneko
by lelu
Xiamara-Simi (c) belongs to Sherrilyn Kenyon and her Dark Hunter series
It is also manga series [it has 4 volumes
and i dont have it T_________T]
No other submissions
angelxxuan Banned Member May 12, 2012
minamiyukihimenonaka May 14, 2012
Hisashiburi-dana Yoru-chan ! Long time not see your art and this time you back with handdrawing, and i'm feel major changes on your drawing style, looks fully with new technique and 'pressure effect" (correct me if i'm wrong
^^). Started from scratch and finish digitally is cool, i hope i can like you make good art, at least i just try to create some original :) -
EuforiaAmuritaNatsumi May 16, 2012
Yeaay, Yoru-chan artwork >O< Okaeri >o< really missed your great artwork.
and this dark theme is really great >O<b . Love the color you use and the way you blend it
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