
Pokémon Wallpaper: Foreseeing Disaster

OLM Digital Inc, Nintendo, Pokémon, Absol Wallpaper
OLM Digital Inc Studio Nintendo Studio Pokémon Series,Game Absol Character

1680x1050 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Made for Which?waller Round 11 : Hop, Skip, and Jump

Hai, I'm back. :)

It took me around 2 days to finish this quickly, because it was near the deadline.
Quick painting with tablet. Scan reference, because I love Absol.

Usual clouds and random mountains/desert idea.
Updated version of whichwaller one. Cleaned some lineart and painting, tweaked the colour balance and stuffs.

SAI, PSP8, original art by Ryo Ueda

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  1. DarthTofu May 02, 2012

    zomg hai. 8d So…I really like the background! And the painting is cool, but the outlines don't blend very well with the furriness, so it looks a bit odd.

    Absol looks very human here.

  2. Fran Retired Moderator May 02, 2012

    Biased and I dun curr but Absol is one of my fave pkmn

    I totally knew this was yours btw ehehehehe, your painting never tricks me!

  3. chubbykitty May 02, 2012

    Absol is amazing and so is this wall *_*

  4. DragonBlood May 03, 2012

    Cool wallpaper! The background is lovely! Thank you for sharing!

  5. MapleRose Retired Moderator May 04, 2012

    hehe some people thought this was mine 'cause it's Pokemon XD

    nice painting, I like the angle :)

    I like Absol and all, but I'm disappointed you didn't make that Espeon wall =P

  6. Pinkya May 06, 2012

    waoh waoh waoh <3 this is totally amazing! ^___^ i love the painting and the peaceful colors <3
    *sets as a desktop* pokemon ftw~ <3
    keep it up~! d^^b

  7. Katkoota May 21, 2012

    I love how you painted it :D

  8. AngeKrystaleen Jul 26, 2012

    Waw beautiful !

    I love Absol a lot, so this one direct capt my attention !

    Good job !

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