
Original Wallpaper: GIMME ALL YOUR BLUE EYES 8D

Member Art, Original Wallpaper
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2560x1440 Wallpaper

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....uninspired title yeah...

Contest: YOUR (BLUE) EYES ONLY - Member Art Contest : make-your-best

Programs: SAI, Photoshop CS5 (for rain and text, though in the end I didn't choose the rain version)
Time Taken: Roughly 2 and a half - 4 weeks, idk I took long breaks between the 3 main stages, plus started other art too. Was stalling since this wall got boring in the final stage...

Fun Part: The little girl looking up. She was the fastest and easiest to paint and draw, adore adore~ Also, breaking up the lollipop in a fit of i-hate-circles, then painting eyeballs <3

New Part: Doing all the lineart with SAI's Linework Layers, attempting semi-realism, and trying to keep the wall not so cluttered like my previous. (I failed somewhere, didn't I?) Oh and the style of painting for the pavement.

Irritating Part: Rain. Took. HOURS. Patience. Ran out. Even with Photoshop. Tired. And see, it didn't even make it, because blergh, it only looks good at 3600x2025 resolution. Smaller, it's just blerghbwarf. ...I'll upload as alternative version...

Tedious but rewarding bit: The pavement. Also, the constant tweaking of lineart.

Minor but orz part: finding a place to put the sig without being too obtrusive/easy to take off...

WIP?: I have some vids of the painting as per request of a friend, and made some screenshots and comparisons... But I'm too tired to bring out the links now ^^; Ask if you want them. Think they're kinda instructive in terms of Linework layers and texturing, did write a couple of notes while vidding.

Theme, how?: The blue eyes are there, darling. Report back when you've seen them all. Bonus if you count them all, for each kind. Maybe I'll even give you something like the full version of this wall. Or a dedication. idk

Last words?: Maybe it's because I've been staring at this wall for a long time, and getting half blinded by the bright colours in the first round, but I'm tired and not feeling satisfied with the final outcome. idk where I went wrong. I was so happy when I got the hair, the textures, the painting, the pavement style right but in the end, something's not right with this wall....

Maybe it's sucking the life out of me as them eyes stare into my soul bwahahaha. Now they can stare into yours, MT. :3c If you have a soul, that is....

Also, sorry for the long absence, and not replying to things. (シ_ _)シ m(_ _)m Have I missed out on anything? ^^;
Aaaannnnddd, still have at least one wall to go. Probably more. asdfghjkl;
EDIT: Boo, I lied apparently. Here's a new version because eyeballs are therapeutic and make perf snow. Except that they don't melt. And they don't exactly go together well as snowballs... And you shouldn't stick out your tongue to taste them. Erm.

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  1. soulsguardian Apr 13, 2012

    dude this is so awesome thanks for sharing it :)

  2. Princess-Sophitia Apr 13, 2012

    I don't really understand what's going on in there, but it's pretty *-*

  3. Raffachan Apr 13, 2012

    Thanks for the entrie Ao! :D

  4. DarthTofu Apr 13, 2012

    Ao, this is SWEET. You really played up the blue eyes theme, too, in such a creative way. Very surreal, and it's clear you put a lot of effort into this. :D


  5. angelxxuan Banned Member Apr 13, 2012

    oh my look at all the purples and pinks ! *swoos* I can see why it was parked into the elited spot. I really adore the detail to this piece, so much so ;) but there's just something about the brightness of it which sucked me in to make a comment of praise :)

  6. tsuyutsuki Apr 13, 2012

    This is colorful. o.o
    Very nice, though (though? -.-"). I liked the way you used the giant floating lollipop and the girl on top, and even mixed in all the eyes. It becomes a little disturbing when in full view, when you get to see all those eyeballs popping form within the candy and all, but I loved the surrealistic feeling it gave the work. Reminds me of Dali. :D

    I am so giving up this contest now... ¬¬

  7. A-413 Apr 30, 2012

    it's gorgeous! gorgeous i tell you, gorgeous!

  8. GloriaChan Aug 01, 2013

    Wow very original and colorful :3 <3

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