
Touhou Wallpaper: Trick... or Treat?

Touhou, Kisume Wallpaper
Touhou Series,OVA,Game Kisume Character

1920x1080 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This was a quick wall that I made last year for Halloween, I spotted the scan from Touhou on AP and was instantly like "I HAVE to Vector it!"

The idea for this wall all started with the girl in the bucket. As it was coming up to Halloween in a few days, it immediately made me wonder... WHY is she in a bucket, and WHY does she look so freaked out!? THEN, I got the idea that SHE was actually the treat, a sacrifice to the monsters on All Hallows' Eve. The hands were vectored from a Soul Eater scan, well it was actually only one hand, that I mirrored and altered a little; one has the trailing bandage, one doesn't. I had the image of monsters in the dark reaching out from behind her.

Original scan here - http://www.animepaper.net/art/218271/kisume-in-a-bucket

I wanted to create an eerie atmosphere for the wall, so I added in eyes to up the creepy factor. The mist was vectored from yet another scan, and improvised upon slightly, I've never done mist before so excuse me if it isn't the greatest xD
The candles were added last, I felt she needed a touch of light before her, a sense of safety however false, so the candles are there to keep the monsters at bay, not that it's really helping obviously, but all the elements together I found just work well.
I'm really happy with how this one turned out, it was the exact mood i was hoping for.
So, hope you enjoy it, I had a blast making it.

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  1. XokadaidRainquester Apr 07, 2012

    First thing : sign it
    Second : in the description, more of the making
    or you risk to have it deleted.

  2. Vampluva Apr 07, 2012

    Hi there, thanks for the advice. The wall is signed though, if you look in the bottom right corner you'll see my username there. But I will be sure to add more in the description, thanks for the warning =3

  3. XokadaidRainquester Apr 07, 2012

    .......weird, i can't see it! are you sure its there? its too dark, maybe that;s why i can't see it. well nvm :)

  4. YoruAngel866 Apr 10, 2012

    This is really cute :D love the vectors and i love those eyes :D you really did make it well :D
    my only advice is that you make highlights oh her hair(white ones) a little yellow, because the candles usually have that effect on the surroundings....thats all :D but still really cute wall <3

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