Really cool! Thanks for sharing!
Artist Comment
Here's another collaborative wall made together with Bantam from AP
This one was done for Valentine's Day, using my vector from Wand of Fortune. Shown Here;
It took me quite awhile to vector Alvaro, I had never vectored soooo much skin before xD and such Semxy Smexy skin =P
I must admit a LOT of time was taken in observing the scan IN DETAIL on numerous occasions to ensure I had every detail
exactly right... then Inspected further and at great length to ensure I was happy with the result, hehe
Original scan -
As you can see I've changed the colour of his hair from the original scan, the brown that they used was this weird
shade with green tones in it and I had so many problems trying to match the shade that I eventually ragequit on that
idea and just went with my own taste.
I personally think the new colour works much better =P
So the wall was made with Bantam from AnimePaper, who once again worked his background magic and made Alvaro all the
more Smexy, nekkid shower Smexy <3
So, I hope you enjoy this wall as much as I do =D
Enjoy =D
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DragonBlood Apr 07, 2012
Fran Retired Moderator Apr 09, 2012
Your vectoring is really smooth, which is always nice, especially on the coloring.
Though I think this turned out way too bright. It's hard to see the details on skin, and really on the whole work. Having steam in a bathroom is kinda different from having this super bright room ^^'I wished you listed your resources though (scan used, and actually on all your submissions) it would help members to understand how much you improved the original image.
Vampluva Apr 10, 2012
Hi Fran, thanks for your comment and I will certainly go back and list links to the scans that I used as you suggested.
I agree that in hindsight the steam is a bit too bright, but it was a collaborative effort with the final touches being done by my walling partner. I can link the vector for you if you like, or is it okay to submit vectors to MT aswell? I'm afraid I'm fairly new to MT's way of doing things.
But thankyou for the awesome feedback =3 -
MisaSasekage Moderator Apr 23, 2012
It's way too bright, but really nice. I think the vectoring is really good. I love the detail and color of both his eyes and hair. They looks really nice. Overall a pretty good wall minus the brightness :)
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