
Shoujo Kakumei Utena Wallpaper: rose in three colors

Chiho Saito, Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Juri Arisagawa, Ruka Tsuchiya, Shiori Takatsuki Wallpaper
Chiho Saito Mangaka Shoujo Kakumei Utena Series Juri Arisagawa Character Ruka Tsuchiya Character Shiori Takatsuki Character

1152x864 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Notice a theme in these three images? Juri's rather dominated emotionally...

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  1. chatvarin Nov 27, 2004

    She is, isn't she.

    Anyway, could have cleaned the pics a little more.

  2. gkff Jan 04, 2005

    has a sense of brilliance to it,
    very artistic, excellent concept.
    loved it very much!!!!!!!
    don't let it bring you down you didn't recive many opinions, i dunno why to tell the truth. o.o
    keep up the good work!! ^_^

  3. BuddhasWench Aug 11, 2005

    Great wallpaper! I love this one.
    Very artistic, I love the black, white and grey mixed with the colored hair.
    Great wallpaper.

  4. nepenthe8341 Sep 20, 2009

    i agree totally with you. =P strange for a character so outwardly strong to be completely M on the inside. thanks for the wallpaper!

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