
Starry Sky Wallpaper: Like a Star in the Sky

Kazuaki, Starry Sky, Tsukiko Yahisa Wallpaper
Kazuaki Mangaka Starry Sky Series,Visual Novel Tsukiko Yahisa Character

1920x1080 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Starry Sky#576152

I saw this image and couldn't help but think of a few ideas. The first idea was having her in the rain, touching a puddle. I then read up on the anime and though having the sky be starry at night would be good. Then I thought about putting her in the sky. I don't know if story / character / settings-wise this makes sense, but as an image hopefully it does.

I needed to 'create' parts missing from the original scan to include it in a full image. I had to move her hand and draw her arm longer. I removed the snail. I finished her bottom skirt area. I created the edges of the umbrella and top.

I know it's a fairly simple wallpaper, but hopefully you enjoy it!


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  1. MikuMasterX Mar 19, 2012

    This is a good, clean wallpaper! Really clean and crisp lines, but i think the light is a bit too strong and i think it should be aiming from right to left in tandem with the suns rays and not basically seeping down from the top to make the realism factor a bit more evident.
    It also needs a signature to be added to it too.

    But hey, its your wall and if your happy with it then so be it! Great work still!

  2. boojitsu Mar 20, 2012

    Quote by MikuMasterXThis is a good, clean wallpaper! Really clean and crisp lines, but i think the light is a bit too strong and i think it should be aiming from right to left in tandem with the suns rays and not basically seeping down from the top to make the realism factor a bit more evident.
    It also needs a signature to be added to it too.

    But hey, its your wall and if your happy with it then so be it! Great work still!

    Thank you for your feedback and ideas. Those weren't actually meant to be sun rays as much as it was light that the girl was calling down (forget her name). I realize the planet has a hemisphere lit up on one side and dark on the other meaning light should (overall) be coming from the right side of the image rather than the top, but I kind of just went with my original idea and tried not to focus too much on realism. Sorry if it detracts from your enjoyment of the piece but hopefully you can still appreciate the idea :)

    I'll try to be better about light, angles, and consistency in future projects.

  3. SnickerdoodleNinja Retired Moderator Mar 20, 2012

    What a neat idea! It really does need a signature though, or else it risks deletion. ^^; Just part of the rules.

  4. boojitsu Mar 20, 2012

    Quote by SnickerdoodleNinjaWhat a neat idea! It really does need a signature though, or else it risks deletion. ^^; Just part of the rules.

    I've re-uploaded it with a signature and it's not taking :( Any suggestions?

  5. SnickerdoodleNinja Retired Moderator Mar 20, 2012

    It shows up on my window, so you're good to go. :) If it's still not showing up for you, I recommend ctrlf5 to refresh or just waiting a while longer.

  6. PlueRise Mar 21, 2012


  7. boojitsu Mar 21, 2012

    Quote by PlueRisewoooaaaaahhh.......awesome.(...)

    Haha thanks ! Glad you like it :)

  8. tiki223 Mar 28, 2012

    Awesome wallpaper, thanks for sharing!

  9. Zanfist Mar 29, 2012

    beautiful piece of work =]

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