
Vocaloid Wallpaper: Vocaloid Music Player

Wogura, Vocaloid, Miku Hatsune Wallpaper
Wogura Mangaka Vocaloid Series,Game Miku Hatsune Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

To create this wallpaper, first I've create the vector from this scan:


This scan was choosen by another MT member and the wallpaper is my entry for the make-your-best Exchange scans Contest.

After the Illustrator vectorizing I've creat the music player design adding 3d effects with PS tools and add an equilizer brush behind.


make-your-best vectory my-maiden

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  1. Kurorisa Mar 18, 2012

    too bad you deleted the round piano, it actually would fit in there with Miku rather than empty
    also, maybe some neon/glowing effects would be good but that's just me
    good job with the vector! it looks smooth :D

  2. Raffachan Mar 18, 2012

    Thanks for the entri, Sam :3
    I'll put it in the first post of the topic,as soon as I can!

  3. zaira Mar 18, 2012

    Great vector! I love the style of your vector with no use of black outlines and how your shadings are, the choice of colors are good as well and I like how they really blend. The background is simple but I like how you focus on your character, Nice music player concept as well! Good job! +fav!

  4. Kitaan Retired Moderator Mar 20, 2012

    I like the idea though I feel like her nose, mouth and headline are too light for her eyes.
    All I notice is her eyes and then realize she has other features, I think the shading is pretty different...
    not sure what to say about it haha, it just looks very bland.

    The best thing for me is the BG, I don't feel like the vector is strong enough
    for it actually. But I do applaud your vector, it's not bad or anything...I just don't think
    the shading is strong and most likely the no lines is what is throwing me off XD

  5. hitsu-chan Mar 22, 2012

    :O I just love the concept of your wallpaper! xD great! btw, it was me who chose that scan :p you really had a fresh idea for a background =^^= keep it up and good luck! (^.^)b

  6. joey101 Aug 24, 2013

    sweet wallpaper.... i love it

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