
Shoujo Kakumei Utena Wallpaper: D E S T I N Y

Chiho Saito, Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Utena Tenjou, Anthy Himemiya Wallpaper
Chiho Saito Mangaka Shoujo Kakumei Utena Series Utena Tenjou Character Anthy Himemiya Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Holy crap, it's another Utena wallpaper, and it really sucks this time D:
The wallpaper is way too simple, but the image was beautiful itself, so I didn't want to overload it with brushes...

image - http://ohtori.nu

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  1. Devilet Nov 10, 2004

    Nice artwork, but it's very very blurry..
    simple but good, nice work!

  2. Eve Nov 11, 2004

    Wow, what an active wall! This is really cool.

    It is a tad blurry but it appeals to movement. Nice work!

  3. chatvarin Nov 27, 2004

    I wouldn't call this blurry, it's worked over to give the same kind of feel as that scene in the series, I think. The problem with it, I think, is the word "destiny?", but I don't know what to suggest though.

  4. daikatana Banned Member Dec 19, 2004

    Chatvarin is Right this wallpaper isn't blur but excellent work ^_^
    We can't looking on arts or wallpapers for any blurs or something like that, we must find what exactly author try to show in her/his work ^_^
    Anyway this wallpaper is really fantastic so fav here ^_^


  5. gkff Jan 04, 2005

    pretty cool wallpaper actually even though you didn't really edit alot from the original picture,

    i love this photo of the couple,
    keep up the good work, utena deserves more wallpaper!! XD ^__^"

  6. Irmes Jan 07, 2005

    Quote by gkffpretty cool wallpaper actually even though you didn't really edit alot from the original picture,

    i love this photo of the couple,
    keep up the good work, utena deserves more wallpaper!! XD ^__^"

    yeah, I didn't...I feel a bit guilty because of not changing the picture XD but hey, simple wallpapers are good ^^

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