Really really cute!
I like the softness of the colours, and the style reminds me a ittle about Marmalade Boy
Good work!

Artist Comment
There it is.. Ginny Weasley and the trio ^^ ... Hmmm I think the time is from the 2nd series, Chamber of Secret.. When
they are still kids and Ginny already in Hogwarts...
Original size: A4
Tools/ media: Technical-pen, graphic-tablet, Adobe Photoshop CS3, Ms. Picture Manager, watercolor paper
Characters (c) J. K. Rowling
Art by me
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Raffachan Feb 16, 2012
SolemnSerpent Feb 16, 2012
This is really gorgeous; the style, the softness, the cleanliness of it - it's just so attractive to the eyes, and really captures a high spirited relationship of the HP characters. I can't wait to see more of your work, this is really lovely. :)
fireflywishes Retired Moderator Feb 17, 2012
It looks like classic style manga! <3 Great work!
detectiveblue Feb 20, 2012
Quote by RaffachanReally really cute!
I like the softness of the colours, and the style reminds me a ittle about Marmalade Boy
Good work!Thank you! :)
merged: 02-20-2012 ~ 05:49pm
Quote by fireflywishesIt looks like classic style manga! <3 Great work!
Wow really?
Thanks! :)merged: 02-20-2012 ~ 05:53pm
Quote by SolemnSerpentThis is really gorgeous; the style, the softness, the cleanliness of it - it's just so attractive to the eyes, and really captures a high spirited relationship of the HP characters. I can't wait to see more of your work, this is really lovely. :)
Thanks for your compliment! :D
Glukogen Sep 14, 2012
I'm agree with Fireflywishes - your works really remind old classic manga like fruit basket or orange road. I like it! And you have chosen so atractive theme - Harry Potter will be remain famous wizard for the most of people (oh, nostalgie...)
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