
Harry Potter: Ginny Weasley and The Trio

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter (Character), Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter Series Ron Weasley Character Hermione Granger Character Harry Potter (Character) Character Ginny Weasley Character


Artist Comment

There it is.. Ginny Weasley and the trio ^^ ... Hmmm I think the time is from the 2nd series, Chamber of Secret.. When they are still kids and Ginny already in Hogwarts...
Original size: A4
Tools/ media: Technical-pen, graphic-tablet, Adobe Photoshop CS3, Ms. Picture Manager, watercolor paper
Characters (c) J. K. Rowling
Art by me

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  1. Raffachan Feb 16, 2012

    Really really cute!
    I like the softness of the colours, and the style reminds me a ittle about Marmalade Boy
    Good work!

  2. SolemnSerpent Feb 16, 2012

    This is really gorgeous; the style, the softness, the cleanliness of it - it's just so attractive to the eyes, and really captures a high spirited relationship of the HP characters. I can't wait to see more of your work, this is really lovely. :)

  3. fireflywishes Retired Moderator Feb 17, 2012

    It looks like classic style manga! <3 Great work!

  4. detectiveblue Feb 20, 2012

    Quote by RaffachanReally really cute!
    I like the softness of the colours, and the style reminds me a ittle about Marmalade Boy
    Good work!

    Thank you! :)

    merged: 02-20-2012 ~ 05:49pm

    Quote by fireflywishesIt looks like classic style manga! <3 Great work!

    Wow really?
    Thanks! :)

    merged: 02-20-2012 ~ 05:53pm

    Quote by SolemnSerpentThis is really gorgeous; the style, the softness, the cleanliness of it - it's just so attractive to the eyes, and really captures a high spirited relationship of the HP characters. I can't wait to see more of your work, this is really lovely. :)

    Thanks for your compliment! :D

  5. Glukogen Sep 14, 2012

    I'm agree with Fireflywishes - your works really remind old classic manga like fruit basket or orange road. I like it! And you have chosen so atractive theme - Harry Potter will be remain famous wizard for the most of people (oh, nostalgie...)

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