
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: A Breath of Silence

Matsuri Hino, Studio DEEN, Vampire Knight, Shizuka Hiou Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Studio DEEN Studio Vampire Knight Series Shizuka Hiou Character

1920x1080 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hello ... here I am again. Many people don't like pink, but this is not my case ;D
Well, the vector was made ​​from this screenshot -> http://i41.tinypic.com/2s6t2r8.jpg
and I took about three hours to finish it.
The clouds, flowers and branches were made with brush. The background, I must say that for me was a challenge, particularly FLOWERS. So it is... Bye Bye

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  1. Alenas Retired Moderator Feb 05, 2012

    Wow, now this is definite improvement from your usual way of making wallpapers - the vector is pretty neat and crisp and so are the lines. I'm glad to see you discovered shape layers. XD

    Now you just need to experiment more and work on more depth, shading and lighting - don't be afraid to use colors and add more details, especially if the character is so close to the viewer... Keep it up! :)

  2. AiyaHoshiko Feb 10, 2012

    Te achei no MT. xD
    Poste isso no AnimeSpirit menina! Está a coisa mais linda que eu já vi por lá sobre vetor! Posta, posta! <333

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