
s-CRY-ed Wallpaper: kazuma (funished)

s-CRY-ed, Kazuma (s-CRY-ed) Wallpaper
s-CRY-ed Series Kazuma (s-CRY-ed) Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

okie dokies

i'll give you the whole full monty for this wall

i made this wall at first for something else, full metal panic if you must know. now i had it all planned out, the wall made, all i needed was that one simple picture of venom (gauron's AS). as luck would have it, that scan doesn't exist even tho i KNOW its on the cover of the DVD box 6.

so i spent about a week looking for another scan. i literally went thru about 80% of the scans here (i left out the hentai stuff). and yet, i couldn't find something suitable. then i see this pretty good one, a scryed one. however, that scan was a horror to extract and whatever so i decided to find another scryed one. and here we are

what i've changed from the last one is added text (official logo floating around my ass. i was about to draw one in japanese then i gave up on it) and i decided to put in a couple of sparklies

lets see, 32 layers i think and a weeks worth of work/waiting/searching/being overly frustrated

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  1. Taurec Apr 22, 2004

    looking nice there james

    the scryed logo is kinda blurred and jagged ?
    uuuuh sparklies like them :)

    normally i see scryed written as s.CRY.ed ??

  2. akai Apr 22, 2004

    looks nice on thumbnail...I like the effects but I couldn't see the details because the picture won't load full size.


  3. GundamZZ Retired Moderator Apr 22, 2004

    looks smooth roly....i like the effects around that ball of light....itz pretty cool i'll say ^_^

  4. Kenji Apr 24, 2004

    I love the effects. However, I've seen Kazuma stand in this stance several times in other wallpapers.

  5. moloko Apr 28, 2004

    i like how at the end of his hand is the special affect. works really well.

  6. rojacol May 24, 2004

    cool wp!

  7. KazumaTheShellBullet Jun 07, 2004

    The shell bullet

  8. ungooma Jul 04, 2004

    that is truly amazing. good job! ^^

  9. kasumi78 Banned Member Jan 18, 2005

    It is very attractive one full of life animated!
    And the wallpaper is really beautiful!
    Realy cool!
    I like!
    Good work!

  10. cloverfann Nov 16, 2005

    wow! kazuma looks so awsome here. love the bg too!

  11. HikariRyu Dec 10, 2005

    Pretty :D And Kazu-kun looks pretty cool, almost hot there!

  12. marcosmos Mute Member Jan 07, 2010

    exelentes aportes gracias y exito.

    merged: 01-08-2010 ~ 12:41am
    exelente trabajo, le dece exito saludos.

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