
Kurehito Misaki Wallpaper: Lady Vengeance

Kurehito Misaki, Touhou, Flandre Scarlet, Vector Art Wallpaper
Kurehito Misaki Mangaka Touhou Series,OVA,Game Flandre Scarlet Character Vector Art Source

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hi! I made this wall from this gorgeous scan of Scampi
(C81) Alstroemeria Records - KILLED DANCEHALL

Isn't it so beautiful? I love the design of Kurehito Misaki... so I made the vector!

I wanted to make an empty wall to increase the feeling of cold and solitude, but I finally made several versions, more or less satured, added some elements on some, played with colors and contrast.

I've no idea for a good title, so if you have, it's welcome!

I hope you'll like!

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  1. NarinaInoe Jan 22, 2012

    This is such a warm wallpaper.Like It. the color such beauty warm color,and the great part is the diamond is not to bright great job!

  2. back07 Jan 22, 2012

    another awesome walls from Cilou...

    favvs it..

  3. Ajmal2 Banned Member Jan 22, 2012

    I like it
    my fav one

    merged: 01-22-2012 ~ 08:02pm
    This link you add it is not open........
    in my pc........

  4. zaira Jan 23, 2012

    Wow another sharp wallpaper you got there! I'm loving the background of both revision 1 and 7 the first one has more colors and elements on it with the fence + the awesome sunset sky but your latest revision is awesome as well with simple leaves, less colors and yet I like the character that is being focused on the wall, the best part of this wall is awesome floor reflection and the blood! everything is so shiny! As usual your vector was superb very clean and sharp! Overall another awesome wally from ya! +Fav! ^^,

  5. DarthTofu Jan 23, 2012

    Do you just wall all day or something, or do you wall a couple walls before posting them? Just wondering how you get them out so quickly.

  6. 6084 Jan 25, 2012

    My new Wallpaper >w< great great work!

  7. darkkrisna Jan 28, 2012

    r u god of vector or something like that? your vector art just beautilfull love the texture

  8. Seele21 Feb 13, 2012

    It's so simple, but still pleasing to the eye. Love the color scheme!

  9. Ellehello Feb 29, 2012

    yes, the picture is very beautiful.

  10. NekoGirI Banned Member May 09, 2012

    O M G! this is really amazing wallpaper i love it, it's gonna be my own background

  11. angel26278 Feb 16, 2013

    very nice! I love the colors

  12. renlilica Nov 18, 2014

    Love it! Especially the wings kinda thing. Thanks! >.<

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