
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny: [Filmcard] The Crackling Mountain #08

As' Maria, Sunrise (Studio), Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, Lunamaria Hawke, Rey Za Burrel


This is the one of nine filmcards that comes with the Megahouse's Picture Studio kachikachi yama themed model of Cagalli.

If you actually read about the folklore a bit, you'll find the casting funny in its own ironic way.

#00, #01, #02, #03, #04, #05, #06, #07, #08.

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  1. YENESIS Jan 23, 2012

    Thank You very much for sharing your kawaii scans and more beacuse i love cagalli
    really thanks :)

  2. thaikuching Aug 12, 2012

    Isn't there one that tells about Athrun and Cagalli? I saw a few of the arts.
    The arts consists of Athrun dying, and there is also Athrun-Cagalli live happily ever after while Meer is watching and sobbing.

  3. andou-mahoro Sep 23, 2012

    I think that one comes with the Athrun pack. >_<

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