Aaaaaaaaaah! THEY'RE SO CUTE! I'll have to wait until I'm on my home computer to check, but this may just become my new desktop. XD Great work Kurumi. ^_^
1920x1200 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
...he's got our starflakes!
EDIT: Having some trouble with alt versions/edited version. To find the updated/alternative versions of this, you can do so at After Him, Men! @ AP.
Re-edited. Still not completely happy with it. I am so awful at any kind of background, I pulled the last, re-vamped, yet still--! Agh. Well hopefully this is a bit better. Found this scan and spied various susuwatari walls here at MT and also at AP when vectoring mah little sussuwatari. There is, alternatively, a textless version. Hope you enjoy; happy rest of your holidays!
Cloud brush found here. Texture used from here.
For mah friend, AJM.
- Kuru.
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fireflywishes Retired Moderator Dec 29, 2011
KiyanaIkebana Dec 29, 2011
Oh my god! How cute is this! Extrem CUTE! :3 Maybe the cloud looks strange, but anyway beautiful work! ;)
Fran Retired Moderator Dec 30, 2011
This is a great improvement from the previous one.
Unlike the older one, this revision just flows and it looks well thought. Some stuff though: I just wished the cloud Totoro is jumping on wasn't Because right now it looks like some circles placed together instead of a puffy cloud >_<.
I have some mixed feeling on the text, don't get me wrong, I like it a lot but there's something off about it. I don't know if it should smaller with more space between the letters or bigger with less space.Aside that, I adore this, I'm glad you decided to rework it.
SolemnSerpent Dec 30, 2011
I saw the previous version of this wallpaper, and I have to admit, this is a great improvement. It flows better and even feels more whimsical. I agree with Fran though, the clouds can be improved, and make to look less shape-like & more fluffy. Everything else however, looks wonderful. Great work~!
Raffachan Dec 30, 2011
too much cuteness >.<
I really like this new version, and for me the clouds are cool like this XD But it's only a tastes question, I think ;)
Anyway good job! I love this simple but cutie type of work ^.^ -
Chico Dec 30, 2011
So cute! >w< I totally love it :3
elisadevelon Retired Moderator Dec 30, 2011
Hahaha, nice wall! I was forced to watch the movie by my friend a few years ago and at first I didn't like it but now, whenever I see Totoro, I just can't stop laughing... I think you were able to catch the true atmosphere of the movie here. Good job! :)
MikuMasterX Dec 31, 2011
Cute, simple and lovely soft colors. I really like this wall! Great work!
vitaamin Dec 31, 2011
awww i really love this! i love the crazy lineart, really showcases the style of the original series. i think the background would be more successful if you were able to translate the spontaneity of the character with rougher edges, and slightly less perfect shapes =]
AirFriend Jan 03, 2012
Looks like a Totoro Christmas card and could've been if not for the word selection. Otherwise, after him!
kuchukuTulip Feb 08, 2012
Its so good, cute and has a funny feel to it. ^^
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