Wow :O Great work! It's so hard (13 months and 642 mb O_o!)
Hope you both are not as nervous as it must to be
I like those boys and this pretty neko :3
Good job ^-^

2560x1600 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
Oh my goodness... so this is what the submit button does? XD (It's been so freaking long...)
Hi all, from myself and Sani (alenas)!
This been a long time in the making. By far the hardest thing i've personally ever walled.
We began this project in November 2010. We both agreed on the scan. For all you guys that know me... i am not a bishie
person. (Sani is though XD... *freakin fangirl hahaha*) Anyway i honestly never saw myself ever walling a bishie! But
the scan was just awesome and we had mutual agreement on it. We then began work and worked on it for a while but then
just dropped it. I was hell busy with work so it was my fault it dragged out this long. But Sani gave me some
inspiration about a month ago to get working again... so we did! It was a fun collab to do! We pretty much passed it
back and forth... i was in charge of the vector department and Sani the painting dept.
She did an absolutely awesome job too. I love her background especially! Im glad i was working with an experienced
photoshopper because my skills were really rusty since i havnt walled since early last year. She was a great help,
pointing things out to me!
So yeah Sani did that uber-cool painted background and painted the characters and the buildings (which there was so many
of!) >__<
All the line art was from me. I also did the highlights, touchups and signature. (My
work sucks compared to hers.) XD
I also tweaked the colors of all the line art which basically doubled the workload... I didnt like the prospect of
boring dark lines so i balanced it out with different colors. (Please be lenient as there were so many freaking details,
lines and buildings hahaha)
For all you guys in the northern hemisphere like Sani, this is to warm you up! For those from the southern hemisphere
sweltering in heat like myself... then it might be wise to view this while in a fridge or something. Lol.
It was really funny because all we did was whine about all the darn buildings... there were just so many of them! >__< Also the psd size nearly annihilated both of our laptops. XD But we are just glad it's done and we really hope you all like it!
It was a privilege working with my great friend, and i hope we can make another cool wall in the future!
From both of us, we hope you had a great christmas and we wish you a very happy new year for 2012!
-Brad (MikumasterX)
-Sani (alenas)
Layers: 1370 shapes - 418 additional mask layers - 140 paint layers - around 100
other layers... psd file size - 642mb... O__O
Series Nabari No Ou
Time Spent 13 months (but its my fault) XD
Program Trusty Old CS2 used by both of us!
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Painter Dec 27, 2011
aIshiRoi Dec 27, 2011
uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *_____*
i dig this to bits. love the sunset, neat vectoring. love the paint strokes so soft and defined.
and those eyes! my gad! looked like real opals! *__*. though the town below them seems to have lack of details but set that aside, this is still an amazing wall! Great job you too! +
hitsu-chan Dec 27, 2011
I love the softness of the colors :'D you really put effort in it and that's visible.
great work :3 -
srsn Dec 27, 2011
Finally it's done and right before the new years.
Everything's so smooth and silky!One thing I like is the sky. It's so warm. I also like the bricks on the upper right side. Kudos on the buildings too for doing each and everyone of them. Their clothes look light too. I also like the shading in the hair.
Here I was thinking when you guys would finish this and now it's here!
definitely a plus! -
Nyora Dec 27, 2011
13 months and 642mb o_o It deserves a highlight just because of these facts I think x)
It's great, so soft and warm. I adore those eyes *-*
Great job =) -
NenrikiKaen Dec 27, 2011
I thought another member uploaded an old wall. I'm sure someone else used this scan too, but I'm too lazy to look for the wall now XD
Anyway, the wall looks good. The best part are Miharu's eyes. Truly mesmerising.
:)) A highlight, cause it took 13 months? :)) Maybe I should lie about the time it took me to make the wall next time :)) -
SnickerdoodleNinja Retired Moderator Dec 27, 2011
Wow, how beautiful! I love the warm colors, and the eyes are just *_* incredible-so deep. I also like that the scene was flipped, so now I can see the whole scene in its glory without the people being hidden by my icons. Great work, you two! :)
mirtillo Dec 27, 2011
I'm speachless O_O so great!
fav -
chubbykitty Dec 27, 2011
kitty in there ftw <3 Should have made kitty more chubby >D
Very nice^^ I like the way you guys handled the atmospheric lighting. Oh oh I also like how I can't seem to find the horizon line. XD With that in mind and such soft colors, its like a lovely dreamscape to me hehe
Well done vectoring and painting you two ^^
NarinaInoe Dec 28, 2011
the most fun part of this is the sunset ...
jns Dec 28, 2011
So warm and nice to look at.
And the eyes are really amazing, they're so vivid and have a lot of depth in them
And yay for more Yoite -
Rin-Takara Dec 28, 2011
It seems everytime i start to watch an anime I see pictures of it every where XD Internets loves me and thank you for posting it it's awesome : )
chibimisao Jan 02, 2012
Beautiful vector-paint work! The lighting in this one is so gorgeous! I especially love the sparkly eyes. *__* You guys did a great job on this one.
Oh and do I see photoshop CS2 stated there? Lol I thought I was the only one still using this! :'D
FiiFO Jan 02, 2012
Amazing *__* nice work on the vector and the painted background is breath taking!
Great work the both of you.
+ -
rene3088 Dec 26, 2014
i love the colors and the angle of u;r final workdone =) nice collaboration and can't wait to see more works from u =)
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