
Ouran High School Host Club Wallpaper: A Hot Summer Christmas!

Hatori Bisco, BONES, Ouran High School Host Club, Tamaki Suoh, Haruhi Fujioka Wallpaper
Hatori Bisco Mangaka BONES Studio Ouran High School Host Club Series Tamaki Suoh Character Haruhi Fujioka Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Happy early birthday to mah gurl Fran ♥. lol you were the one who actually motivated me to do this wall because well IT'S SUMMER DOWN HERE! >:O Title is f(x)'s song, "Hot Summer", I know you love them :D.

First off, this is for the MTM Wintry Wonderland II. Summer is evidently not winter, I know. But on behalf of everyone in the southern hemisphere who experiences Christmas in summer, I feel we are always marginalized ;A;. Plus, I'm sure you're all jelly at our weather at the moment XD. So I've chosen to use the snowman, who is now melting in our summer heat :D. I'm sure this is quite different from what you were expecting XD. But yes, next year, don't make it winter themed D: In Australia, lots of people like to head on over to the beach to celebrate Christmas! I actually hate the beach, but I like what it represents XD.

Secondly, hi! I've been on hiatus for the last few months because I had to study for university entrance exams (and passed them with flying colours~) so now I'm back! However, I'm not sure how regularly I will be walling from this point on because I have no idea what uni will be like, plus I want to focus on improving my own artworks too, so we'll see! But it's quite nice to hit the submit button :D.

Thirdly, okay, onto the wallpaper! I'm a little out of the loop with the current anime/manga series so I went with a classic... Ouran! Vectoring is always a pain and I haven't done it for a while so I'm a bit rusty. I highly doubt my technical skills have improved at all ;A;. The wallpaper is done like usual... vector the characters blindly and then worry later about what on earth you'll do for the background. I used ten tonnes of patterns and used my favourite colour palette of blues, reds, greens and yellows again *____*. I added a few extra colours to their hair, because in summer someone always gets a new crazy hair colour.

This took me only a day (so about 6 hours ish) to do the entire background + finish colouring Haruhi, though lining Tamaki started a week ago. I tend to wall pretty fast because the ideas just come in floods and if I don't add them in now, I never will XD. The total file size is about 350 MB.

Additional non-christmas version is available - it's just the christmas tree sans christmas decorations should you want to use this wallpaper later on or don't celebrate Christmas :D. Happy holidays!

P.S. spam my guestbook! come say hi :D

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  1. AssasinXXX Dec 20, 2011

    Brilliant summer wallpaper. Bright and lively colours all around with a top notch composition. Some fine use of textures there, really loving everytying aobut this wallpaper. My one complain would be the patterned background, might have worked better with just plain colour but nontheless great work, I really enjoyed it. :)

  2. srsn Dec 20, 2011

    Yay I got to see funky colors that don't clash but mix very well + multishading too!
    You technical skills are still intact aqi, don't worry about it ^^v

    I must say it's a very creative way of expressing Christmas. Good luck on the contest!

  3. Alenas Retired Moderator Dec 20, 2011

    Ooh, I love the bright colors and those patterns in the background. Aww, poor snowman is all stuck sweating in the sun, lol. Also, yay for posting summer-ish walls in the middle of winter, been doing the same quite often, lawl. XD

    Nice job and good luck in the contest! :3

  4. pamkips Dec 20, 2011

    OHHHH THIS APPEALS TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY INTEREST. >:D Adore the coloring style, the color, the originality, omg everything is so so so cute Aqi.

    Also jw is that your handwriting? :> Jw, jw. Sry I'm just such a typography whore that w.e I see someones handwriting I flip out. lD

  5. EevaLeena Dec 20, 2011

    O_o Aqi-chan walled again!

    Anyways, bright stuff as usual! I love it! The background really catches my eyes, and the concept was superb!

  6. chibimisao Dec 20, 2011

    Cute wallpaper! I love the way you colored this one. The addition of patterns and textures here and there make it really nice. Great summer-ish christmas wall lol! xD

  7. Tina18 Dec 20, 2011

    WHAT, what!? Aqi. Hi ;3

    ah, I love it, the colours, the patterns, the aqi all over it.

    /needs to get some money and get over there I want me some summer

  8. MikuMasterX Dec 20, 2011

    Lol yep its summer down here in Aus at the moment so this wall depicts my summer perfectly! XD
    Would love to experience a wintery christmas one day.

    Cute wall overall! I like it!

  9. Fran Retired Moderator Dec 20, 2011

    ; A;
    I can't believe I'm getting a summery-christmas wall, life is seriously perfect now.

    *noms wall* I love this <3 ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿

  10. Tifa-chan Dec 20, 2011

    I'm with you when talking about Christmas in summer and so I really liked your wallpaper! xD Great job on that one!

  11. rosu Dec 21, 2011

    love the colours and shading :3 definitely a hot christmas here...

  12. aishiteraburu Dec 21, 2011

    Why are you so awesome!? I don't ship them but still <3! Patterns and scanlines, the colors and more patterns. *drools*

  13. MapleRose Retired Moderator Dec 31, 2011

    haha, nice and colourful and bright wallpaper, I love the rainbow and the melting snowman.

  14. SolemnSerpent Jan 02, 2012

    I'm not normally in love with brightly colored wallpapers, but there are exceptions - this is one of them. I love the coloring style, the crispness, and vibrancy of everything! And it's awesome that you're submitting this to the contest, so much love for Mai-chan's contest. <3

    Poor Christmas tree is suffering though, lol! "I was in Santa's workshop, how did I end up here?"

  15. GeneDNC Jan 09, 2012

    Hooray for Summer Christmas! Thanks for this wall, it is wonderful. I especially like the textures, their hair and of course the snowman. Great job!

  16. sakusasurakkaus Feb 20, 2012

    Tamaki<3:) Now I wish it would be summer! Thank you for uploading and sharing this picture!;)

  17. Mt-Maigetsu Administrator Mar 26, 2012

    Waaahahahaha! What a unique take on the theme! Mai-chan would have NEVER thought of a beach scene for Wintry Wonderland! (She wonders how Mr. Snowman isn't Mr. Puddle in the warm weather of your wallie~) Mai-chan would LOOOOOOOVE to send this as a postcard when she goes on vacation! Omedetou on your Third Place finish in Wintry Wonderland II aqiaqua-chan! <3 <3 <3

  18. kara Jan 26, 2013

    Wow! This is so bloody fantastic! Why did I not see it earlier? O_O
    Really love the way you coloured it *_*
    And thumbs up for bringing a bit of Summer to Christmas :P

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