Nice work
thanks for sharing
Artist Comment
Well it was suppose to be another wallpaper but i finally ended up with this one the original doesn't look a bit
like this
I guess i made it before the end of the year
Any way the process of the wallpaper is in the link bellow
General Steps
1-choice of perspective
2-sketch some of the room and some objects
3-add overall colors
4-well then i removed some objects re-draw the bed and the window(inc windows)
5- added some sketches then later on coloring them
6- add the shades to the wall
7- finalize the wall with adding some light and some blur
**** Why do you put a pizza in a room full of books and NO LIGHT ! ****
Well I don't know that's why i removed it
1-This SCAN was the inspiration for my art
2-Used the list of scans bellow as a cover for the mags on the bed cause they fit perfectly!
3-Used this scan as a cover of manga
for the female on the wall you can check the process of the drawing or you can see the full description here on MT
Again, Many Many Many ............. thanks for aleanas for the help support
Anything to Add?! I hope you like it
Open for suggestions
*** UPDATES(check version 2 )***
Added the shades of the character and the laptop i forgot about it
Adjust the lights on the back pics
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Atif Banned Member Dec 14, 2011
Raffachan Dec 14, 2011
First of all, it's really a good wall..we can see a lot of work in it, and on my own, I really appreciate it :)
I like the choise of light and you cured each detailes ^_^ But there are some mistakes, too.
Some of the book have a strange perspective (expecially ones on your left, on the floor) or they're too small (some of ones on the bed) respect of the girl or the others object.
More than this, some shadows are wrong ( the glasses' shadows have to be "loong" if you chose that type of light), or too poor, like on the girl's pants...In the end, good composition, good idea, I see you hard work here, but you could improve more and more if you want! :) You have all the capicities!
So keep up the good work! -
AnGeeChan Dec 14, 2011
Really really like it! Especially the lightning and warm colours^_^ maybe there are some mistakes but who cares! it looks lovely overall, keep it up!
aishiteraburu Dec 15, 2011
This is really good. The patterns on the wall and the lightning! Fave from me!
MikuMasterX Dec 15, 2011
Sweet wallpaper!
I always respect wallers that use their own original art! Major props for that! -
Tifa-chan Dec 16, 2011
What a beautiful wallpaper! *o* I love the room's atmosphere with the sunset light and the girl is so kawaii! ^^- Congratulations!
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