
DURARARA!! Wallpaper: Even Though The Rain is Falling

Suzuhito Yasuda, Brains Base, DURARARA!!, Izaya Orihara, Shizuo Heiwajima Wallpaper
Suzuhito Yasuda Mangaka Brains Base Studio DURARARA!! Series Izaya Orihara Character Shizuo Heiwajima Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hai hai minna-san, here's my new wall ^.^
It took my time a bit. I started to make this about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Well of course it didn't take that much time but I'd stopped making this after finished vectoring Shizuo. After that I wanted to make some other walls after seeing srsn's last wall, Your Beautiful Predator x). I'd started somethings with a weird aura, just like Pandora Hearts and Alice in Wonderland. And something's happened with the wall, I don't know exactly but it didn't go well, and i stopped to making it and returned to this wall. I'd done Shizuo's vector before Izaya's so I had some problems with his face. It's like... his face is more realistic than Shizuo's...? Anyways x)

This wall's also dedicated to RideOnMusic. Thanks to her, I have this cute and blue profile :3

I used this scan for characters: Shizuo and Izaya
Used this pic for city: City
To be honest, I felt too lazy to remake it so I left it like that xD

Hope you enjoy it :)

Title is looks something romantic... But it's definitely not! :D

Edit: All right, I'm listening my senpai-tachi and changing the moon and signature ^.^

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  1. jakuro Dec 14, 2011

    Fine work! I love how the water on them looks and the shading really pulls me in. The abnormalities really make this cool.

  2. rosu Dec 14, 2011

    Oh my! Thank you Yasemin~ You did a great job with only that scan and creating the rain and background. Love the vectoring and especially the way you did the rain droplets on Izaya and Shizuo, they both look hot ;3 The composition of the people and bg is placed on the page nicely.
    Just pointing out some improvements: since it is raining (quite heavily it seems) the moon should be harder to see, perhaps make it a little blurrier around the edges. Also your sig is hard to see where it goes over Shizuo's white shirt.
    Great work and definitely can't wait to see more walls~~~ :D

  3. MikuMasterX Dec 14, 2011

    Lol, is it raining on a clear night? XD
    This is really cool. Love the vectoring and the work on the city!

    Great wallpaper!

  4. srsn Dec 14, 2011

    Quote by NyoraiAfter that I wanted to make some other walls after seeing srsn's last wall, Your Beautiful Predator x)

    O.O my wall inspired you? geez hehe I'm glad I was able to encourage people to wall.

    I really like the vectoring in this one - it looks glassy. Nice BG btw.
    Since it's raining pretty hard, I think the Moon should be blurred or darker or maybe non at all. Oh, your sig -> maybe using a dark line/ highlight instead of a white one with white text would bring it out.

  5. Mibelle Dec 14, 2011

    Omy this is beautiful! :D You did an awesome job with the rain and I love the way the moon is barely peeking out. And it's Drrr so it gets an automatic fav from me. :D

  6. Raffachan Dec 14, 2011

    I don't know why, but Shizou here has something of Onizuka o.o
    Anyway I love these characters, and I love your painting style :3

    ps: WELCOME in the group :D

  7. DragonBlood Dec 15, 2011

    Great work!
    The rain is very expressive and so is your sky with the rain clouds and a not completely hidden moon! And the guys look awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Durarara-lover-fan Dec 18, 2011

    I love this image

  9. kuchukuTulip Dec 21, 2011

    Its really really well made but shizuo's face doesnt look like shizuo.
    But if its fixed it will be more Awesome-er. ^^

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