
Hiroyuki Asada: Hiroyuki Asada: Can you tell what I'm missing..?

Hiroyuki Asada
Hiroyuki Asada Mangaka


Clothes, definitely.

From a Chinese forum - more love for Hiroyuki Asada-san's non-Tegami Bachi scans!

I fervently hope this is not a Tegami Bachi scan! And lol, to add Ecchi tag or not?

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  1. DREAM Dec 14, 2011

    i would love to see a great wheelchair based desktop design. like maybe this or Seiya from Tenkai-hen Jousou-- Overture perhaps. really nice artwork. i haven't seen 'Letter Bee" but damn if it is a fraction as good as some of these artworks i would probably love it. a Chinese forum, eh. let me in. ^^

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