
Trinity Blood Wallpaper: Final Light

Atsuko Nakajima, Gonzo, Trinity Blood, Kirara - Atsuko Nakajima Art Work, Isaak Fernand von Kämpfer Wallpaper

4096x1536 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hi MT!

Firstly, I'd like to dedicate this wallpaper to:
http://static.minitokyo.net/avatars/nyorai.gif Thanks for cheering me on when I lost the motivation to wall and helping me search for scans in which I finally chose this one.
http://static.minitokyo.net/avatars/aishiroi.gif Here's a kind of shounen-ai wall for you~ ;3
http://static.minitokyo.net/avatars/srsn.gif Thanks for helping with my userpage CSS! ^^
Hope you guys like it~

What attracted me to wall this was... the hair o.o I just liked the idea of vectoring the hair as it looked so wavy and soft. :3 I changed Abel's coat to white to contrast with Tres' Black coat (and there was a lot of black on that side already). Also, added some textures to the red tails/scales and the stone ruins.

Here's the gif of my progress: (doesn't show changes through walling as I did this after finishing the whole wall)


Original scan
Time taken: 2.5 weeks (since I had lots of time)
Layers: 112 layers
Listening to: "How to go" - School Food Punishment

Hope you like it!


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  1. happyicon Dec 10, 2011

    wow...beautiful wallie..i luv trinity blood..nice texture & resolution :-)

  2. srsn Dec 10, 2011

    Wow, Thanks so much!.

    This is now a nice turn since I miss your multishading coz it was kinda lost when you were walling DOGS series. I actually like the multishading on the clothes you did on the guy at the rightmost. Maybe that's because it doesn't stick to the colors but rather you added some violet-ish multishade rather than have it shades of gray.


  3. jakuro Dec 10, 2011

    Ride-o this is so incredilicious. This.. shading.. this detail, those.. those long-haired bishounen. I love the expressions, this scan was wrapped up in your talent and improved 100fold.

    You've killed me. I'm dead from the awesomeness.

  4. MikuMasterX Dec 10, 2011

    I really wish i had dualscreen to take advantage of the whole greatness in this wall! XD
    But you did a fine job here. Love the WIP animation too!

  5. aIshiRoi Dec 10, 2011

    ;___; a dedication! and its sorta-shounen-ai-cat-fight thingy! and you chose the right couple-sort-of! i miss watching trinity blood. ABEL!<3 thank you so much Ride! didn't expect it! *__* *glomp tackles*

    i really dig your style ride. Its sharp and bold yet there's a certain softness that i cannot further explain. and the shadings and blendings are just "oh-laa-laa..." x3 another great job!

  6. pandemonium91 Retired Moderator Dec 10, 2011

    ...The amount of details and work that went into this are insane.
    +fav for insanity c:

  7. Mibelle Dec 10, 2011

    Your walls never fail to amaze me! This is purely just beautiful and so full of awesome! +fav!

  8. angelxxuan Banned Member Dec 10, 2011

    I can see how this obtained elite status, it's quite outstanding, the power to detail is quite amazing, well worth the faving of this piece :D I don't think I have ever seen trinity blood depicted in such a beautiful fashion before in my life. by taking a quick peak to the rest of your work, all are equally amazing

  9. elisadevelon Retired Moderator Dec 10, 2011

    I'm speechless o_O
    The details and coloring are amazing. Simply... EPIC! <3

  10. Nyora Dec 10, 2011

    Thanks so much, rideon-chan :3 I was aware of you'd make a perfect wall like this, so it was a pleasure :3
    Like i said, it's perfect and so detailed. I love the shading and the brightness. I adore the details.Well, it's just something else in short x)
    Thanks for this awesomeness <3

  11. Xemnas13 Dec 11, 2011

    woahhh...awesome! :) really your are great! dank!

  12. dianas Dec 11, 2011

    On of the best vector wallpapers ever ^^ I adore the original scan even have it featured on my page
    +fav also + fb fav

  13. chibimisao Dec 11, 2011

    Omgosh Trinity Blood! <3 I was like a crazy fan of this series and absolutely adored the character design. :DD

    Great work on recreating the scan. Your vector work is nicely done with the crisp and clean details done through the various layers of shading and lighting. My only gripe would be the fact that Issak's hair (the guy with long black hair) looks flat compared to the other characters. Everything else looks perfect though. A job well done on this one. ;D

  14. Momose Dec 12, 2011

    This is stunning! I'm a big fan of T.B. Congrats on finishing!

  15. nepenthe8341 Dec 12, 2011

    amazing work! thank you so much for sharing! now i need a really really long monitor so i can view this properly... LOL!

  16. DepressedYoukai Feb 04, 2012


    ... I'm unable to articulate a good criticism without going fan-girly, so, just know, this is great, thank you so much for sharing!

  17. elfelem May 12, 2012

    thank you so much.. wonderfull place here.
    i have just problem with my net sometime the wifi..

  18. ayuholic Jan 17, 2013

    wow, awesome! its so cool artwork~~! >_<

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