
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Wallpaper: what I think

Anime International Company, Atlus, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4, Chie Satonaka, Yukiko Amagi Wallpaper

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Made for BabyD's birthday.


I did this in 5 hours with some breaks so I'm sorry if the vectoring has faults, I didn't rush it, I just didn't nitpick. After I saw the image the ideas went well one after the other, I was in a mood for walling despite having walled almost all day so I enjoyed it.
The windows gave me trouble because they looked empty and I had no idea what to do to them, then it suddenly hit me to express their faces through different elements. 3 windows, 3 girls, the position was coincidentally perfect, I carried out my idea with no problems.
I used tiny dots in the shadowing to erase the possible feeling of emptiness caused by the simple vector.

Hope you like it, I promised at some point that I won't use so many crazy colors...
Forget that XD

Edit: Oh man this is so awesome, if only I got comments this great on walls that aren't quickies X'D

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  1. Kitaan Retired Moderator Nov 25, 2011

    Wow...what are the odds. Lol, so much for me vectoring that image.

    I like the funky colors, the smoothness of the vector and of course
    how you you changed the patterns and made it your own. Very nice!

  2. Fran Retired Moderator Nov 25, 2011

    Hate to state the obvious, especially since you already mentioned it yourself but this, to my eyes, and coming from you, looks unfinished.
    Not because is not shaded to death, I actually enjoy seeing a simple vector, but because of the overall concept. Plus, the coloring looks unbalanced. If it was just cyan and pink it would have worked better but since you got that brown-haired girl there, the color palette is asking for some yellows/oranges.
    Idk, idk, their skin is also too pink.

    On the bright side, like I said, I really like that kept the vector simple and the use of the dots on the shadows, that brings up the wallpaper. Also, great idea on the colored outlines, especially in the buildings.

    But overall, I think this wall has a sort of identity crisis, is not a simple wall, yet is not a multishaded wall. Maybe more textures would do the trick? Or lowering the saturation of the background.

    Sorry for sounding like bitter biatch but I guess my expections for you are always so high ;___;

  3. jakuro Nov 25, 2011

    I think the critics are a bit too hard :P This wall is a great embodiment of graphic design, I suppose since I think this way about walling in general, its easier for me to see your concept. I don't think it looks unfinished at all, the only thing I can see from a loose perspective is just some placement of the lettering - but see, me, I like those kinds of happy mistakes that bring a piece to life - so it does not look unfinished to me in the slightest.
    Fran has a superb critique for you with their experience specifially in seeing so many wallpapers daily, but from a lower point of view such as mine, I just wanted you to know that the wall is in fact eye-pleasing and good *nods* Its playful and sassy.. and I feel that the color palette is actually very cool, Brown/Pink/Cyan go really well together, I've always thought that - its actually a modern blend for interior design, and I've often used such a palette in my logo designs

    If I could add anything to it, I'd make some clouds out of text o.o but I am crazy

    merged: 11-25-2011 ~ 03:37am
    btw i'm using this as my wallpaper now :o

  4. angelxxuan Banned Member Nov 25, 2011

    sometimes simple can make a better picture than adding so much detail it's an overkill. I rather like the design and layers and so forth. not to mention the colors was the first thing that brought it to my attention. I rather like how they blended nicely and everything looked so sharp, crisp and suited the piece and the notion of a warm day. I hope you decide to use another moment of crazy colors, or a strange color combination, that's what attracts some people's attention ;) over all good job and can't wait to see others around :)

  5. srsn Nov 25, 2011

    The crazy colors attracted me to this wallpaper and was surprised that it was YOU! I thought it was Jakuro LOL
    What can I say? hmmm.... I was stunned to she this kind of funky colors from you xD
    I just wished the colors were somewhat different maybe?

  6. ojou Nov 25, 2011

    Looks great! :D
    The colors look great on the wall, and the idea with the expressions on the windows is pretty interesting!
    Nice work!

  7. Chloe Retired Moderator Nov 27, 2011

    The colors are a little funky, but I like it. It pops out!

  8. Mibelle Dec 06, 2011

    Wahh I love the colors on this..than again..I'm a fan of bright colors so, to each their own I suppose. Anyways, awesome work on this. I think its fun,funky and cute! +fav!

  9. rotten180 Jul 18, 2013

    Okay i dont know if this is unfinished or not, from what the other comments say, but in my opinion there is definitely a great simple retro effect going on here, and the colors used here are awsome i tell you, i can say is to stick to what you think is right, but yes this a great wallpaper !

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