
Ragnarok Online Wallpaper: ::v a l k y r i e::

Ragnarok Online, Valkyrie Randgris Wallpaper

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

:nya: Finally submitted a new wallpaper after those 'drawing strike' of mine! It's been awhile =/ Anyways, this wallpaper's featuring Valkyrie, you know that angel thingie in Ragnarok :S For those who plays Ragnarok private servers, you'd usually see this as a Healer or a Warp Kapra XD This wall took me around 3 days to finish. I'd like to thank Sammo for the scan! I guess it's sammo, that's who I remembered XD

x__x;; The sky's a real pain, seriously I'm not that good with skies yet >_< Look at the oogleee Moon!! T.T It's my first time to create a moon so >.>; There ya have an ugly one XD And why so cloudeee?!! XD Gosh the stars did pissed me off too. x__x; There's so many layers in this wall even my computer went lagging when I was trying to save >.> Argh hate it when that happens. Oh and AGAIN, If the blueness is abit greenish or some other colours please don't give a damn bout that coz ... (same old reason), monitor screen's all yellow right now >.> When will I ever get my monitor fixed or even GET A NEW ONE?! >=(

Sigh well, Click da thumbnail for a better view ofcourse. Comments are always welcomed ^_^ More resolutions can be found in www.digikb.tk :D

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  1. sleepingforest Nov 08, 2004

    a very nice ro wallpaper :) i really like the background and i mean really LIKE it hehehe a fav--- keep up the good work!! XD

  2. Ashuli Nov 08, 2004

    *stares* It's so pretty! ^^ The "bubble" and sparkles in the background make it look even more so. And I think the sky is nice... ^^ Awesome job.

  3. sammo Retired Moderator Nov 08, 2004

    i was wondering who'd use that awesome scan (posted by yours truly, of course XD) and im glad it was someone as good as you who used it! the wallpaper is truly celestial, but i can't really say i like the transparent planet. the surface in which the angel is standing on is well made, and the overall atmophere is truly amazing. great job!

  4. Noctum Nov 08, 2004

    The character picture, the planet and the efects look nice, but the brightness is a bit too much for me.
    Good work nevertheless. :)

  5. KorganoS Nov 08, 2004

    Awesome... Yumi-chan! :d
    i love the effects on the bg.... and all the compositions!
    Keep up the excellent work! ^^

  6. Asahi Nov 08, 2004

    so softly blue.. and so cloudly. looks really after good work. keep it up. i like it =) so i take a fav on <3

  7. FluffyNeko Nov 08, 2004

    Wonderful job. A very nice soft feel to the wall. Nice work on blending the scan in.

  8. TakamuraReiji Nov 08, 2004

    Hey, this picture! It's RO! (Seen this girl before)
    Wow, really cool. Nice blending. Good job. :)

  9. ganiax Nov 08, 2004

    Oooooh~~~~more and more people like gril who with white wings~~~~so do i~~~~ it's very nice thanks for sharing it~~~~~

  10. jackalx66 Nov 08, 2004

    nice blending yumi
    i like the BG so much
    thx for ur effort and share it in here
    keep up the good work

  11. tAtEkAnE Nov 08, 2004

    wai! a new wall from yumi-chan! i love it :o really nice yumi..i'm loving the dreamy kinda feel! (and i gotta stop using "!" lol) and if ur concerned about the greenish sky...Dont be, it looks nice :) moon is ok to me XD the text looks cool too but if it was me...i would be using a darker color XD (well that's me *wink* ) lol anyhoo FAB job yumi XD

  12. Jormungand Nov 08, 2004

    Weee!! This is a great wallie!! really nice scan...and great background too!! looks like she belongs in that background @_@ the lights and effects are amazing....definitely a fav :D

  13. tiagosg Restricted Member Nov 08, 2004

    Wonderful job, really cool. Nice blending. Good job

    Brasil Group

  14. mindolluin Nov 08, 2004

    Oh my... i would never be able to imagine such a beautiful valkyrie of RO.. WOoow ...*speechless ... * *add to fav XD * awesome wallie !! XD XD Yumi - chan

  15. Keltosh Retired Moderator Nov 08, 2004

    what.. what... WHAT's this!!???
    *adds as a favorite*
    *sets as desktop*

    this is just too good

    *huggles for good measure* :D

  16. ayanechan Nov 08, 2004

    *pokes* i HATE you! you're TOO good .. LMAO I'M JUST kidding! nante ne~ XD

  17. Devilet Nov 08, 2004

    wow, that is gorgeous Yumi, just beautiful!
    been wondering when your next wallie was to come..
    I love everything about this.. so pretty.. have to fav this one :)

  18. Crisis2040 Nov 08, 2004

    nnniiiiccceee.. look at that ... white wings, sphere, commit, sparkles every where and "lots of thing on my mind" ...but look at the sky ... Not good with sky ... yah right <_<
    Hay come on, each part of the picture complete the other until you get a perfect scenery .. in your case..
    hmmmm.. the sky is some how good ... LOOL I'm joking here ... the sky look perfect spicily in the lower part.. congratulation for this wonderful work

    and please no more 'drawing strike' ;)

  19. Val3f0r Nov 08, 2004

    waaaaa.... Yumi-chann.... this is sooo pwettyyyy... awesome wall.... the background is just lovely... such a heavenly looking background plus with angelic scan XD

    Everything looks perfect to me XD great work Yumi-chan..... ganbatee-nee on your future walls XD

  20. Jim3535 Nov 08, 2004

    That's really nice. I like the integration between the clouds, stars, shooting stars, and planet. Oh, and the girl is cute too ^^

  21. Crash-kun Nov 08, 2004

    Ooooohhhh nice! hehe hu like RO now hehehe. i like ur wall ^_^ lol i hav an old cg of that pic T_T its a disaster hahaha. anyways keep it up +fav

  22. rojacol Nov 08, 2004

    Woooooooooooow Yumi-chan this wall ish so beautiful ^^, i like everything on it, you did a great job in the background! ^^

  23. StarCentury Nov 08, 2004

    :D SWEET!!! I love what u did with ..... everything! I know this is a rare thing for me to say, but this is fantastic in so many levels! Yumi-chan, I think u are the coolest MT member in the whole multiverse! ^_^' Sorry if I embarassed ya a wee bit! :)

  24. CyanideBlizzard Retired Moderator Nov 08, 2004

    I never noticed. But the scan's got different colored pupils... Thats so bizzare. Her eyes are somewhat different but I think they look really good nonetheless, red and blue eyes....mmm damn her for having such cool eyes. As for the wall itself? Its great to have you walling again Yumi-chan. Jeeze you know considering your monitor is messed up you still wall so damn good! How on earth do you do it?! Jeeze that sky background is simply amazing. The Valkyrie really fits in the heavens and the shooting/falling star was an amazing touch, espically in the daytime. The lighting is perfect too I must say and overall everything just looks so damn good, you are a goddess I swear. Anyways all in all, favorite. How can it not be? Its so amazing....your the best Yumi-chan, thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us.

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