
Ao no Exorcist: Okumura Rin & Yukio [Merry Christmas 2011]

Kazue Katou, A-1 Pictures, Ao no Exorcist, Yukio Okumura, Kuro (Ao no Exorcist)
Kazue Katou Mangaka A-1 Pictures Studio Ao no Exorcist Series Yukio Okumura Character Kuro (Ao no Exorcist) Character


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Always wanted to do an Ao no Exorcist artwork so here it is~
I saw these scans of Rin and Yukio and decided to vector them since it's almost christmas.

I was going to just keep it simple... But as always I end up making it detailed, which is a good thing haha >.>"
Kuro is just so cute XD <3

-2nd Version is plain white background.

Yea...I know a little early :P

Hope you like it!

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  1. Tina18 Nov 21, 2011

    Recently watched it and I loved it, the vector is greaaaaaaat! Thanks for it, Merry xmas to you too :3

  2. jakuro Nov 22, 2011

    I love the way you vector *_* its so smooth and unique its just stunning.

  3. Mayuuki Nov 23, 2011

    Awwn, so cute! Loved it! ♥_____♥
    Merry Christmas to you too! ;)

  4. orange-lisa Feb 18, 2012

    This vector is just wonderful! The colours are amazing and the shadings... wow!
    I really love the image you choose, but with all the details and the brilliant colours you used your vector is much more better than the scan!

  5. MisaSasekage Moderator Jun 08, 2012

    The vectoring here is amazing, everything is really smooth^^ The colors are also very vibrant and everything stands out well^^ I like the addition of the snowflakes on the background and Kuro as well as Mephisto's dog form too. Merry Christmas :D Really great work~

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