
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Wallpaper: Puella in somnio

Shaft (Studio), Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Homura Akemi Wallpaper

1920x1080 Wallpaper

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This one took a while, I had to wait for the semester to end to really get working on it. This wallpaper takes most of its elements from the last two episodes of the series. Homura came from episode twelve, the buildings were imitated from buildings at various points throughout both episodes, the sky is from the epilogue and Walpurgis is based on her witch card. Can anyone guess what the runes on the bottom say?

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  1. MapleRose Retired Moderator Mar 07, 2012

    Good job putting everything together. My favourite thing about this wallpaper though is the lighting effects, the dramatic shadows on Homura and the debris

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