
Lebenszeit Wallpaper: Leben- ANIMA

Lebenszeit, Mich, Mimi (Lebenszeit), Kiel-D01, Member Art Wallpaper
Lebenszeit Series Mich Character Mimi (Lebenszeit) Character Kiel-D01 Character Member Art Source

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

-Video of the work process: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U108jQkDtyc
-entry for EssenceRO's login screen contest; the winner of the contest was Kurumi. I'd link, but I don't think she has a dA.

For more info on this project please visit Leben.KISUKI.net

Thanks to Yina and Taku, and everyone who gave crit on this in the MT thread: srsn, Valuna, AnGeeChan, SnickerDoodleNinja, and asa00! I tried to fix it according to what you recommended, but... let's face it, I have anatomy issues xD


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  1. srsn Nov 06, 2011

    Anatomy issues huh.... well different people have different styles anyway and no one is perfect so you don't have to fret over it.

    Thanks too for the mention... I hope I did help you. It actually looks so much better now, with the fantastic lighting, and then the 2nd guy from the right which I kept on mentioning looks ok already because of the added light at his feet and so he doesn't look too squared.

    Nice Job as always Tsu.

  2. Kitaan Retired Moderator Nov 06, 2011

    The scene is sooo colorful, I'm loving it. I like the cast of characters thrown in,
    alot more enjoyable than two or one character in a wall. I feel like there's alot going on
    for one side of the wall and then on the other you have the others just kinda posing lol

    Awesome work :3

  3. Masakado Nov 06, 2011

    very nice wall I loved the colours ^_^ thanks for sharing ....

  4. SnickerdoodleNinja Retired Moderator Nov 06, 2011

    Wow, the lighting on this turned out awesome, and I like what you ended up doing with your signature. Beautiful work as always! :)

  5. shigeru5 Nov 06, 2011

    great atmosphere. it reminds me of a old etching or print

  6. shelke-chan Nov 07, 2011

    it's amazing!
    I don't have any words!
    Thanks a lot for sharing it! @^^@

  7. AirJack Nov 07, 2011

    This wallpaper is just breath taking! Did a very
    great job on it.

  8. rosu Nov 07, 2011

    Amazing work as always... Love the scene and the lighting is fantastic. Just love your backgrounds, wish I had more imagination like you! XD

  9. back07 Nov 07, 2011

    amazing wallpaper...
    favorite it..

  10. Uriko02 Nov 09, 2011

    wooow amazing i love the light , the valkyrie and the kiehl looks awesome
    thx for the share n.n

  11. MikuMasterX Nov 09, 2011

    Sheeeesh... thats some pretty impressive work right there!
    Your wallpapers are always bubbling with awesome details... super stuff! ^O^

  12. nekolalugo Restricted Member Nov 10, 2011

    it's so perfect !
    i very like it^^
    good job !

  13. ShanaFlare Nov 13, 2011

    Not a big fan of the series but the wall is simply stunning :D I love the brightness of the sky shining down on the darker areas :)

  14. chibimisao Nov 13, 2011

    Tsu this is freakin amazing! And wooh you've used a different color palette this time. xD Love the expression on the dude with the fiery eyes. Some of the characters could use a bit more detail on them, but still looks great nonetheless. Great work on the sky. The colors are so magical. Beautiful blend of colors there! Annnnd to my fav! o 3o

  15. IMkhaos Nov 13, 2011

    the girl in the center kinda bothers me.. hehe

    amazing work as always! :D

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