
Original Wallpaper: Dragons and Illusions

Original Wallpaper
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1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

So I got bored of being tired and halfway-between-ok-and-sick and sort of depressed. Yankee-kun to Megane-chan hadn't been updated yet, I just started watching Mawaru Penguindrum and I was itching to paint something different and decidedly non-character study (because ya know, I kinda fail in that lolz.

So in between Mawaru Penguindrum and searching the latest issue of MT-Maigetsu for Eggs, I painted a landscape. I was feeling down and stuff so it came out in these heavy, drab greens at first. (I'll upload as alternative, if that's okay)

Then to perk myself up, I tried to make it more ~*magical*~ . First the aurora-ish clouds and the curling lines, then a hundred* trials with colour overlays until I found one that didn't sicken, then a few* jabs at drawing people and buildings and birds and dragons until I settled for this. Messed around with layer modes, added more clouds for contrast, made things shiny - tada.

Partly inspired by Tsunoh's tutorial; and trying out a lil his 'scribble till it looks vaguely like something' technique. Only, it's on SAI so... a bit cheating. ah well :x

Program: SAI
Music: Mawaru Penguindrum episodes were literally my soundtrack.
Time taken: ( 6 episodes = 3 hours, Popping in and out of MT = ?, time since start = 5-6 hours, therefore ) = ~2-3 hours? Dammit slow.

....But it was such a simple wall. D:
Anyway, hope you like, I made 1920 x 1200 and 1366 x 768 versions. Have the former as my wall, set at tile mode lol. Looks all right there, shiny is always nice.. >_>

* I exaggerate.

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  1. Dionaea Nov 02, 2011

    Very beautiful, I love the colours and the dragon :D

  2. SamB Nov 02, 2011

    Really beautiful effects. Amazing work and good graphic balance. Added on my favs.

  3. SolemnSerpent Nov 02, 2011

    So beautiful. *_* The colors of the sky and its abstractness are really wonderful and eye-appealing. And dragons. You can't get anymore amazing than dragons. 8)

    And great work with colors - very vibrant! <3

  4. rosu Nov 02, 2011

    So serene and majestic... *-* I love the sky, the colours are beautiful. The dragon is totally awesome :D Love the way you painted it, it has its own glow....
    The only thing is the grass hill... maybe if you could blend it with the colours or have the light of the colours reflect on the hill.... (haha just being picky..) But other than that, lovely work for a wall you did out of boredom XD

  5. UberDog Nov 02, 2011

    It's like an Aurora-Dragon ! What a nice image. Great work. I faved. ^.^

  6. ArtificialRaindrop Nov 02, 2011

    I pretty much second everything SolenmSerpent said. I absolutely love the colors! The image kind of makes me think of the forest spirit in Princess Mononoke :)

  7. SnickerdoodleNinja Retired Moderator Nov 02, 2011

    You made a wall with an aurora borealis. *__* MT needs more of those,lol. (You seem to wall my obsessions, you know that? First umbrellas, then bunnies and Alice in Wonderland, and now this.) :)

    Anyways, I think you did a lovely job on the swirls and the dragon and making them blend together. You seem to be really great at abstract, original walls. :)

  8. anoli Nov 02, 2011

    Wow....this wall is so beautiful and such nice colours. Also I like your dragon. You did awesome work.

  9. evelluchia Nov 02, 2011

    oh wow this is sooo cool ^-^ its so colorful and pretty ^-^ i really want to see more cool work from you soon ^-^

  10. back07 Nov 03, 2011

    beautiful view and the dragon too..

  11. DragonBlood Nov 03, 2011

    lovely! The overall effect is stunning! Really cool! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Angi Retired Moderator Nov 03, 2011

    wow me likes alot! specially the sky and the aurora thingy ^^, it really brings out the magic in the wall ;)

  13. Felesya Nov 04, 2011

    I finally get some time to comment on this-

    I love this piece because it's just as wild and mixed as your thoughts and emotions can be. It's as if you're looking at several worlds clashing. Some mixing with each other, some rejecting each other, but all of them together create one element, especially with the dragon connecting each world.
    It's as if you tried to express something you can't really grasp yourself, it's quite interesting. At least I try to analyze some artworks that way. :)
    I also like the little swirly effects and different lights, bringing the whole picture into the spirit world.

    ---have to go back to work <3

  14. Elena888 Nov 04, 2011

    I love it! *___* ....I only can say one thing: AWESOME!

  15. pandemonium91 Retired Moderator Nov 05, 2011

    I didn't know what to call it but UberDog nailed it: this really looks like an aurora borealis dragon! So awesome owo I really like the vibrant colors and the details on the grass, it's little things like this that catch your eyes after the initial "oomph" :D
    On a less formal note: yay, another wallpaper for my desktop! I need to make a slideshow of your walls XD

  16. GCardoso Nov 06, 2011

    So amazing! Great work dude!

  17. Vitaceae Nov 11, 2011

    Wow, excellent use of colors, love the feel of it!

  18. kerohuixco Nov 11, 2011

    ORALE.... It is Genial.... Is a Dream, Very very very Good....

  19. DarthTofu Nov 12, 2011


    merged: 11-12-2011 ~ 03:12am
    ps. feel better <3


  20. ShanaFlare Nov 13, 2011

    The wall is really good, you did well with the mixture of effects :D always love the originals ;)

  21. HurtHattori Nov 21, 2011

    I absolutely love this wallpaper. It looks so ethereal, so magical, like something out of a beautiful dream. It's the kind of picture that let you escape somewhere else and dream. As usual, wonderful and stunning work. Thank you for sharing!

  22. DREAM Dec 14, 2011

    i love dragons and your painting. #1 & #4 are my favourites. :)

  23. tevysol Dec 16, 2011

    It is absolutely beautiful...thanks for sharing

  24. OnlyKirai Dec 18, 2011

    a really good job! it's very colorful..amazing =D

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