
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Wallpaper: My Catalyst

Square Enix, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Final Fantasy VII, Dissidia Final Fantasy, Cloud Strife Wallpaper

1680x1050 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I've been working on this since the end of August. I was in a CLOTI mood and I've been obsessing over DISSIDIA 012. I got my Tifa and Cloud, and a bunch to LEVEL 100 already. XD

Tifa's my favorite character in the FF series, and I love her with Cloud too.

I started working on a screenshot I personally took from FFVII: Advent Children before I found the actual scan of this. Kinda a pain to realize that it would have been much easier to have worked on the scan. Screenshots can be a pain.

I vectored it off from the screenshot. Cloud's spiky hair was a pain though. I didn't have trouble with Tifa there. The plants and flowers look a little weird to me. I added more sun rays and those little sparkles. I like how it turned out. It's actually my first time vectoring from a CG.

The idea of the title came from Tifa's Profile in Dengeki PS3 Magazine where it said:

With the sudden appearance of Kadaj’s gang, Tifa too is once again dragged into battle. She gives encouragement to Cloud, who is unable to shake off his doubts, and creates the catalyst for him to regain the will to fight. Hopefully this also leads to her own salvation as well.


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  1. akatsukiHimeno Oct 21, 2011

    My favorite couple in FF! CLOTI FTW!

    Beautiful work here. The lights and colors are just amazing. I wish you could have given Cloud's eyes more depth. But you did a great job vectoring.

  2. Masakado Oct 21, 2011

    My fav Characters in the movie ^o^ thank u for this great wall ^^

  3. singlemoon Oct 25, 2011

    Tehe, I fell in love with Tifa when I saw FFVII:AC for the first time, and I said, 'she's the one...' XD She's cool, and I also love her with Cloud.

  4. nekolalugo Restricted Member Nov 01, 2011

    so romantic.. i like it^^

  5. chobits1220 Dec 06, 2011

    it is really beautiful and sweet enough! thank you very much

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