
Tiger and Bunny: Alice in Wonderland, starring Yuri Petrov

Tiger and Bunny, Yuri Petrov, Member Art
Tiger and Bunny Series Yuri Petrov Character Member Art Source


Artist Comment

...Instead of doing useful things like sleeping, I painted cracky fanart (that took hours) for a very non-cracky fanfiction.

Have a fanart for Yuri Petrov; as Alice! Inspired by this fanfiction in TIger and Bunny anon meme. ..You probably wouldn't think it's at all related from reading the first few parts... o3o Just, Kotetsu derping and calling Yuri 'Alice' and lala, this happened. lol Hope w!anon there will not be too struck by such random.

Seriously. Why am I fixated on this cross-dressing art spree.

I'm so sorry for making Yuri's first indy art debut here.. cross-dressing. pfffft.

Time taken: 3-4 hours? Yuri is not easy to draw, fem or not.
Program: SAI

Fun, easy bit: Socks~ In Lunatic colours. :giggle: Also, bunny! More appropriate to be a tiger, but I don't know how to draw that lol.
Ridiculously long bit: Fixing Yuri's posture at the shoulders and neck and his face~ over and over.
Satisfied bit: His hair. :3 and bunny lolz.

..This probably isn't the best way to celebrate a fandom, and definitely a strange first fanart for it, but :waves hand: Enjoy! or not.

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  1. SnickerdoodleNinja Retired Moderator Oct 13, 2011

    ITS A FLUFFY BUNNY. <3 (Why was that in all caps? Because Snicker loves fluffly rabits and Alice in Wonderland stuff, that's why!)

    Anyways, I'm glad you seem to be in the drawing mood lately! The blues in this piece are rich and lovely, and I really thought this was a girl until I read your description, though I can see it now in how you drew his face (that's a good thing, if that makes any sense). X) I also feel like you really caught the Alice in Wonderland feel with this piece. Very nice job!

    P.S. Sorry if this comment was totally wierd. It must be getting to that time of night. @.@

  2. MisaSasekage Moderator Oct 13, 2011

    Aw, I love the bunny^^ I love all the blue you used; it's one of my favorite colors, and how the eyes look^^ Very nice job Aozora-chan, keep it up :)

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