
Black Paradox Wallpaper: Every DEATH Belongs To The Dead

Junji Ito, Black Paradox, Marusou Wallpaper
Junji Ito Mangaka Black Paradox Series Marusou Character

1600x900 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Original Scan
Texture: Dec09 Flakes by daymien 48

This is another manga I bought and read, 'Black Paradox' by Ito Junji, and she's Marusou, one of the lead character in the manga.
LOL, forgive me Marusou-sama for transforming you into a witch.(bows)
I wasn't gonna transform her into witch at the first place, but as I was working I realized that might be a good idea. XD Haha. This is a 'Halloween' month after all, thou we didn't celebrate it. ^^
I'm not sure what's with the 'death' and 'dead', I've been thinking it for days and I thought it'll go weel with Black Paradox's theme. The small words under the 'death' thing is a quote by Joseph Conrad;

There is something haunting in the light of the moon; it has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery.

I hope this wall will somehow freak you out, even just a little, hahaha~ ^^

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  1. soulsguardian Oct 06, 2011

    dude nice wallie im loving it thanx for sharing:)

  2. monoke Oct 06, 2011

    i like it nice job i don't have anything like that
    thanks for sharing

  3. jakuro Oct 07, 2011

    Ooo, this is cool! Awesome work!

  4. pandemonium91 Retired Moderator Oct 07, 2011

    Love this, especially the contrast and I appreciate that you made the lighter parts a light yellow instead of pure white, it's easier on the eyes. The typography is also neat and I like the placement, it's not too obvious but not hidden either - it also matches the spiderwebs, which look a bit jagged (but in a good way :) ). Overall, great job, will be using it as my desktop!

    P.S. Forgot to add one more reason I like this: you didn't use any orange for a Halloween-themed wall :)

  5. ReinDeilerd Oct 28, 2011

    That's awesome )
    Now we need someone to draw other three BP leads in Halloween costumes X)

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