
Inuyasha: RINS•BRAND

Inuyasha, Jaken, Rin (Inuyasha), Sesshoumaru, Doujinshi
Inuyasha Series Jaken Character Rin (Inuyasha) Character Sesshoumaru Character Doujinshi Source


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Scanned with HP Deskjet F2410.

I bought this doujinshi letter writing set from eBay many years ago. Fortunately, despite its age (it was released 10 years ago, in 2001), it still looks fine, so I decided to scan it. The set only contains several sheets of writing paper featuring two vertical columns on the back for traditional Japanese or Chinese vertical style writing. Doujinshi circle is RINS•BRAND. Artist is Rinno-Fukuju.

My other profile: http://lazadkine.animepaper.net/

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  1. InuyashaBandicoot Sep 18, 2011

    very beautiful thx for sharing !

  2. WiseLynx Jul 31, 2012

    Great! Thanks, i really love this one XD

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