
Soul Eater Wallpaper: Shinigami-Sama

Atsushi Okubo, BONES, Soul Eater, Shinigami-sama, Vector Art Wallpaper
Atsushi Okubo Mangaka BONES Studio Soul Eater Series Shinigami-sama Character Vector Art Source

1600x900 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Yay, finally my first wallpaper is ready :D
It was the first time I try to vector a picture, so I thought this one must be easy because it hasn't so much colours ;) In the end I need two days for it -.-'' maybe because I only have the stupid touchpad from the laptop and because I often had to delete a lot of finished parts because they looked stupid^^

Here is the original picture:

Soul Eater DVD Vol.10

Maybe Excalibur will be the next project xD Hope you aren't angry about my awful grammar -.-'' and like the wallpaper :D

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  1. Alenas Retired Moderator Sep 09, 2011

    It's a pretty good vector but it would be good if you put your signature to the bottom otherwise your wall might get deleted.

  2. Samura Sep 09, 2011

    Oh, you are right, i forgott it -.-'' thank you :)

  3. Pinkya Sep 10, 2011

    wow! This is truly awesum :D the vector looks pretty good knowing that u were using the touchpad! :3 the bg fits ur scan perfectly~
    keep it up~! d^^b

  4. Seele21 Oct 18, 2011

    Nice work..
    I really liked it..
    Especially the emotion of the girl!

  5. Samura Oct 18, 2011

    Quote by Seele21Wow,,
    Nice work..
    I really liked it..
    Especially the emotion of the girl!

    Which girl? รด.O

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