
Steins Gate Wallpaper: Oblivion [Time]

huke, Steins Gate, Rintarou Okabe, Kurisu Makise Wallpaper
huke Mangaka Steins Gate Series Rintarou Okabe Character Kurisu Makise Character

1920x1080 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Omg, I made a wall after, what.... 2 months? More? I dunno.

Anyway, this was made for a friend's birthday and she specifically requested these two from Steins;Gate and chose the scan. I had no idea what to do with them and how to make it but in the end I thought that something gritty and abstract-ish and timey-wimey would probably work best (please ignore my Doctor Who obsession here XD).

I vectored and painted the characters and used some nifty textures, brushes and halftones for the background and the shading on the two of them. In the end I thought some text might spice it up so I added a random line that popped into my head.
Aaand that's it. I think. Yeah. I'm so out of it all. Curse you Uni! *shakes fist*

Original scan: HERE.
Textures, circles and brushes are from dA (KeepWaiting, starwalt, redheadstock)

More resolutions at Prismatic Realm. /shameless advertising

Feedback is, as always, welcome! :3

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  1. CyanideBlizzard Retired Moderator Sep 08, 2011

    So, I have to say that this surprised me quite a bit. With how busy you've been with your thesis, I didn't think you'd get enough time to sit down and work on anything, so this is a very pleasant treat!

    So, hands down one of my favorite things about Steins;Gate is the artwork of the series. While I never really got into the TV show, I absolutely adore the artwork. However, I really, really like what you did with it. You put your own spin on it, and it looks stunning! I especially love how you painted them and the texture added as well. Hands down, it really shows off your talent as an artist and that, as previously stated, you can give your own feel to something that is already plenty unique on it's own and for that you deserve major props.

    Now the background. Oh gosh how I love this so. Generally speaking, when people go for gritty, it ends up being far darker, but this has such a light feel to it and that is my favorite aspect of this wallpaper. The color palette is nice and neutral as well, which really helps for the characters to pop out, and the gears in the background were a very night touch to give it that timey-wimey feel to it. The fact that there are several different gears in there and that they are layered in the way they are just makes it that much more of a visual treat. Combined with the gray splatter and you've got one heck of a sexy background. Normally, I would be put off by such a contrast from the text and the background, but the way it stands out I really like with this wallpaper.

    So, what else can be said? It's a great wallpaper that I hope is very appreciated, because it is a nice visual treat that's simplistic in look, but complex in nature. Now, the only way to fix that Doctor Who cold is with one simple remedy. We must have a Doctor Who marathon!

  2. Kitaan Retired Moderator Sep 08, 2011

    I've always had mixed feelings about this art, I like it and then I don't in some scans lol
    But I really adore this one, the positions of the characters really create a deep scene for me.
    I would've liked the wall to be more darker, just cause I feel it would've created a better scene for them.
    But that's not to say this one isn't nice, fits pretty good I think.

    It could be darker just to make more of an impact, as if they were in their own
    world of some sort. They seem to overpower the BG, especially with your masterful painting
    on them. So nice to see you submitting :)

  3. srsn Sep 08, 2011

    LOL /shameless advertising hahahahah don't worry I will also do that in my walls once I have free time by end of october

    The simplicity is really something! kinda reminded me of your angelus crudelis wallpaper (did I get the title right? hope I did) I just wished they are in a black BG where in the clock gears are seen clearly. but overall nice comeback wall! weee you're now back!

  4. SolemnSerpent Sep 08, 2011

    This wallpaper is amazing. @‿@

    One of my favorite things about this wall are the gears in the background and how many different ones there are; it's a nice, subtle detail that makes this much more interesting. I think the balance between grunge and light is well-maintained, as well as the position of the text. Gotta love that topsy-turvy feeling. <3 And no, I'm totally not addicted to Doctor Who and is comparing the girl to Amy Pond. >.> I blame the red hair.

    Excellent work!

  5. Zettodono Sep 08, 2011

    That was amazing Alenas!
    I very likes how you make background.. and, of course, characters!.. once again amazing!

  6. ArtificialRaindrop Sep 08, 2011

    GEARS! :3 Now that I've got that out of my system, I really like the simple feel of the wallpaper; it manages to have a lot going on without being overwhelming... the subtlety is nice. I'm also fond of your use of the halftones. And CyanideBlizzard has really covered everything. And is it strange that I immediately thought of Doctor Who when I saw the thumbnail for this wallpaper?

    Allons-y! //random nerd outburst//end.

  7. MisaSasekage Moderator Sep 08, 2011

    I like the background a lot^^ Great work Alenas XD

  8. Nysha Sep 09, 2011

    Lolwhut? You finally made a HD size! *____* And you have your own private site now too, waaah you surprise me. And Uuu, you made it for someone's b-day...wonder if anyone will remember mine at this rate...XP

    Anyway, yay for textures and I'm really liking the colors of their hair together like that! Nice to see a new wall from you!

  9. ismiy Sep 09, 2011

    Nice. I like the effects you used on the background. the colors flow smoothly. Thanks for sharing.

  10. SnickerdoodleNinja Retired Moderator Sep 09, 2011

    Wow, the girl in this really does remind me of Amy Pond from Doctor Who, lol. I have to be honest, as a personal preferance I usually tend to go more for wallpapers with bolder colors, but I was still drawn to this wall because of how well you used the textures and gears. Text is another thing I don't usually go for, but you managed to incorporate it in a way that really adds the wall. Great job, alenas!

  11. Tifa-chan Sep 10, 2011

    Your wallpaper is so great! I loved it! It's nice to see that the users are making more Steins;Gate wallpapers (my favorite serie! ^_^). Your vector is very good and the background fits very well with the mad scientist and Kurisutina (xD). Congratulations! /o/

  12. trofikabinet Sep 10, 2011

    Finally found time to come around and comment on this :D
    I'm surprised you made a new wall but it's awesome. The painting is neat as always but this time the BG cought my attention. It's simple and yet very appealing to the eye.
    Going into favs.

  13. singlemoon Sep 10, 2011

    My goodness, this is good. I mean really good, the surface looks glossy(?) and the coloring is really great.
    But, for some reason, the dark lines for the character doesn't really suit the background, cause the background looks really soft and serene whereas the artline looks dark and out of place.
    But it's still good and it's one of my favorite, thanks a lot for sharing!

  14. clearmoon Sep 11, 2011


  15. nat Sep 24, 2011

    Really love the patterns over the characters, and the background colors. Very stylish take on it all :3

  16. galilio Mar 20, 2015

    A very perfect work! Fantastic!

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