
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Wallpaper: Flying

Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Zelda, Link Wallpaper
Nintendo Studio The Legend of Zelda Game The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Game Zelda Character Link Character

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Original title, huh? XD
Long time no see, everyone! It's been awhile. o__O And as usual…sky painting. XD

So yeah! Skyward Sword omg I am so excited for this game! Although I haven't been following news on it like I had done previously with Twilight Princess; I felt I knew too much of the game going in last time. This time I want to go in surprised!

Spent two days working on and off on this, no scans/stock used, just straight painting. Photoshop CS5, wacom, yadda yadda. :)

No other submissions


  1. fireflywishes Retired Moderator Sep 01, 2011

    Tofu~~~~~ you know you should have a Member Art tag!

    Anyways... great job on this one. Love the way you painted the birds... and the sky looks so pretty! I think a little less gray in the corner would make it seem a little happier, but still looks good. ^_^

  2. NenrikiKaen Sep 01, 2011

    It looks unfinished. The clouds are the only one that look done. Maybe you should add more details. As it is now, it looks as though a kid painted it. And, seeing your other wallpapers, I know you can do better

  3. DragonBlood Sep 01, 2011

    I like the colors and the blur effect1 Thank you for sharing!

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