Patience pays off! This piece is stunning shirayu! At first glance at the thumb, I thought it was a misplaced scan or a
vector! Cute character design and overall, just WOW.
Edit: Please remember to use the correct tags when submitting your artwork and in the case of vector art, please include
a link to the scan referenced. Thanks to Fran for catching that. ^_^
Artist Comment
the draw was make in 5 hours... 9pm at 2am...
program... paint tool sai
layers... 14 (all layers in normal, not in multiply, overlay, etc...)
time... 5 hours
lineart...1 hour
digital tablet (intous 4)
sai program
note book (laptop)
and a lot of patience... ^^
i hope that you like it! ^///^
Scan referenced:
Fujiwara Warawara#481355
No other submissions
fireflywishes Retired Moderator Aug 30, 2011
tsuyutsuki Aug 30, 2011
Agree with Firefly-sama, on every aspect(including the misplaced scan prat XD).
DarkWolf2011 Aug 30, 2011
hehe great job I love you work ^^
tnks for sharing >.O -
Fran Retired Moderator Aug 30, 2011
I thought this was truly an original work.
I really like how you vectored the scan, especially the lineart, though I may be mistaken but I'm not even sure this was completely vectored, the BG was defnitely not vectored as far as I can see.
Either way, it's an improvement! Hope to see more works of you. -
evelluchia Sep 01, 2011
too cute :3 i just love it ^-^ thanks for sharing
evelsubaru Sep 16, 2011
she so cute and youve done very well im looking for word to your next work
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