
Vocaloid Wallpaper: VOCALOID : VNO2 Miku Hatsune

Vocaloid, Miku Hatsune Wallpaper
Vocaloid Series,Game Miku Hatsune Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

sucks, the characters for tittle are not enough XD hha
so the title as such. and I want the title Chromatic Fascination written, I do not understand exactly what that means but it sounds cool, something strong.. lol

well, of course you all already know who it is Miku - Hatsune Miku
but this time I draw it with a different costume, u can find info about this one in this cosplay picture
click here
great thanks for inspiring me! hhe
hope u all like this one >.<

Speed ​​drawing and coloring, I have not had time to add details of a jerk as too desire to finish quickly hha!
and forget to edit the creditor...

stock : city and sky
found other pict on my DA~! sakon04.deviantart.com at deviantart

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  1. Bernouli Retired Moderator Aug 29, 2011

    Really nice how you transformed it from a real photo to an anime style piece of art. o_o Needs more widescreen though ;_;/

  2. Pinkya Aug 29, 2011

    wooooooow! This is truly called ART! awesum amazing so creative and sweet! :D
    i totally loved it alooot! everything blends so well togetha~ the colors r awesum :D everything looks wow~!
    keep it up~! d^^b

  3. espada001 Aug 29, 2011

    really good i like how you pull every part of the wall together
    nice work

  4. Damanex Aug 29, 2011

    Amazing, I love when you can translate anime style art into a reality setting, for example, the city scape. I love it, please continue the fantastic work!

  5. DarkWolf2011 Aug 29, 2011

    wOw incredible is excellent this work ^^
    you translate the photo in a great drawing you are everything an artist n.n

  6. Mibelle Aug 29, 2011

    Oh wow, this is really stunning. And you took this from a real picture? Awesome. +fav!

  7. AirJack Aug 29, 2011

    whoa, very nice, great job with it!

  8. darkchii200 Aug 29, 2011

    A truly inspired artwork, Great job tranlating real into anime. I've added it to my wallpaper collection, and will use it.

  9. 3141592654 Aug 29, 2011

    i just wish people didn't add text in the middle of wallpapers

  10. Alenas Retired Moderator Aug 29, 2011

    The cityscape could be tweaked a bit more to lose that 'stock photo' edge it still has but other than that, you incorporated all the elements into the image nicely. One tip though - when placing your signature, please put it to the bottom; sigs on top of the wall (or that are visible like that) tend to ruin the wallpaper composition and take the attention away from the wallpaper itself. Keep it up!

  11. lzo88 Aug 29, 2011

    WAOooo... Great job, Thanks =)

  12. fati Aug 30, 2011

    Love It :3
    Imean The costume, The background that goes along :D
    I'm sight !

  13. mxlmp295arm Aug 31, 2011

    AAARRRGGGGHHHH.... This wallpaper make my nose bleeding... THX FOR SHARE......... AWEESOOOMMMEEE

  14. Chochibico Sep 03, 2011

    I really like how this looks ^^ maybe just the text is the only thing that doesn't look suitable . if you could use another font , it would be better : )
    Thanks for sharing ..

  15. x-lawss Sep 04, 2011

    Wow! It feel like she is about to fight a war.
    Well done, thanks for sharing!

  16. Nysha Sep 04, 2011

    The thumb looks pretty good, but upon downloading, this wall is lacking quality control in key areas. For one, the text is extremely pixellated - please use some fonts that are anti-aliased next time and it will improve the quality of your wall. Also, like alenas mentioned, the sig at the top is a bit unorthodox in walling - the only reason why I'd see placing it there might work is if you use a Mac computer, otherwise as an image, what alenas says about composition is true. Props for drawing your own artwork, but again, the jagged outlines on it are a bit of a concern. There are ways to prevent this though - like starting big and resizing down, or applying a small gaussian blur to it. Also, your art seems to be lacking lighting effects to integrate it with the lighting of the bg. With stronger lighting effects/gradients on her, the wall would have a greater dramatic effect. And speaking of the bg, alenas already mentioned the city stock, but the quality of the clouds is also blurry and conflicts with the sharpness of your character art. So, with the lack of lighting effects on her and the difference in sharpness between her and the bg, these give evidence that you simply placed your character on top of the bg instead of fully integrating/blending her into it. So, while you say this was a speed drawing, if a little more time was taken into composing the wall as a whole (the concept for it is very good), this would be much more epic wall! :)

  17. chibimisao Sep 04, 2011

    You did a lovely job on the drawing. But i agree that the background could use more work on it. The sky could use a higher contrast on it because it currently looks washed out and faded as compared to the cityscape and Miku. I like the whole general idea for the wallpaper. But it could use some improvements on the blending aspect of the wallpaper. As Nysha mentioned, the stock images don't blend so well with your drawing. Some lighting and adjustments could help in achieving that. So try experimenting with those and it will definitely help in improving this wallpaper to it's fullest potential. ;)

  18. alexdinoz313 Sep 10, 2011

    naisu................not bad 8d

  19. ShanaFlare Sep 13, 2011

    This wall is genius! thats talent right there, I like it :D

  20. DragonBlood Sep 13, 2011

    Awesome! It's really good1 I love the sky and the city! The coloring seems perfect to me! Thanks for sharing!

  21. ThePromiseLand Jun 23, 2012

    love it! especially the background it fit so well for her! keep up the good work :)

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