O-o jajaa como la borro a la loka de los perros! xD
Artist Comment
Here's my DA Blurb:
Quote: I've been working on this vector for a long well now. I've finally got it completed.
First was the battle of 'which hair colour bests suits Nezumi?' Of which I asked my f-list on LJ.
Quote: Having a slight issue deciding.
#1 is what I started with using the colours on the original scan
#2 was me trying to make it slightly blue
#3 was using a screen cap for colours
Decided #2 would be best, from liking it more so than anything else. Seeing as #3 was more close to the anime colour.
Next was Sion, if you've seen the scan of this you'd know there is a dog with Sion, of which I decided I didn't want.
Thoughts on the process after just starting Sion.Then I decided after completing the boys to try to recreate the background w/o the dogs & Inukashi. I think plain greys work for the background, or at least I hope they do. Then there is the water in the fountain. That didn't turn out like I had planned/hoped. Sorta ended up looking like the sky might, but decided to keep it like that.
Title comes from one of the translations of Ono no Komachi, KKS:797 (Love) and seems fitting for this piece since it is mentioned in the novels.
Brushes/Textures used:
merely-anger Stone and Rust
tazni Bubble Brushes
sed-rah-stock Stone Pattern 25.0
Vector is available here.
If you choose to use the vector to make other graphics you must credit me.
Please remember to not use this wallpaper for other graphics. This includes for
signatures or avatars/icons.
Do Not Steal it, nor claim it as yours.
Do Not Repost.
No other submissions
Aka12Ana Aug 29, 2011
TiffYG2133 Aug 29, 2011
Very nicely done! The BG textures are great! Keep up the awesome work! (^_^)
ex-zombie Aug 30, 2011
Nice wallpaper
Added ^.^
MisaSasekage Moderator Sep 09, 2011
The vectoring is really good^^ I love how Nezumi and Sion look, very nice^^ Awesome work as always Headstro XD
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