
Teen Spirit Wallpaper: Hwee Kang is a boss.

Kim Jea Eun, Teen Spirit, Hwee Kang Wallpaper
Kim Jea Eun Mangaka Teen Spirit Series Hwee Kang Character

1366x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Created this on a whim. It was mainly for personal use, but the bottom left section is for icons if you so desire. I have another with the same picture as the other wallpaper you see posted.. so I didn't post it out of similarity but here it is just in case: http://i56.tinypic.com/2dbqe5h.jpg

Resources: http://static.minitokyo.net/downloads/10/28/526410.jpg?1817790257
I cut him out.
The brushes are my own. The rest of the stuff is just... shape tool. Impact font. Sometimes simple isn't so bad, you know?

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  1. Alenas Retired Moderator Aug 22, 2011

    Please link to the scans/resources you used in your description and add your signature to the bottom of your wallpaper; walls without a signature risk deletion.

  2. jakuro Aug 22, 2011

    Thanks, my bad entirely. I'm a scrubnub. Fixed it, I think - let me know if not.

  3. Alenas Retired Moderator Aug 22, 2011

    Well, the full view will probably take a while to update but since I can see it in the thumb, it should be okay. XD

  4. jakuro Aug 22, 2011

    Awesome bro, thanks for your help. I wont screw up again rofl

  5. czi6918 Aug 22, 2011

    awesome <3 looks beautiful on my deskop :D

  6. MissGennyMon Aug 22, 2011

    Dear God I love this XD He cracks me up, yet he's so beautiful <3

  7. jakuro Aug 22, 2011

    I only recently stumbled across this manhwa.. but so far its super best. If only there were more chapters released, I really love this mangaka's style.

  8. Mibelle Aug 22, 2011

    Wow nice! Your wall made me want to start reading this. :) Thanks so much. I love the colors your used and the division of the wall in the back there. +fav!

  9. jakuro Aug 23, 2011

    Aw, dont make me blush haha - its a fluke, a fluke! I will likely be making more walls in this style.. After looking around more closely at the walls people make here.. I'm pretty mediocre! Vectoring?! Who has patience for this?! AAAHHHH...I can't find my pen tablet....!

  10. Bernouli Retired Moderator Aug 23, 2011

    Hi, please put a signature on your wallpapers that matches your nick name here, also make it a little bigger, as it's a bit on the small side and barely legible.

  11. jakuro Aug 23, 2011

    Humm, okay I'll make it bigger I just think its ugly. Its a wallpaper not a giant crap with my name all over it. Actually....no, nothing, forget I said anything.

  12. shadrougeforever Nov 20, 2011

    beautiful pic. thanks for the upload

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