
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Wallpaper: Candy Boy

Akira Amano, Artland, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Spanner Wallpaper
Akira Amano Mangaka Artland Studio Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Series Spanner Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Aww, I couldn't fix roughness of those lines >.< It became like that before I realize it... And there's something wrong with this wallpaper, I couldn't figure it out. It's a bit... spiritless? I don't know, I'm still not sure about this wallie. Still, hope you like it somehow :D

Spanner, he's so cute *-* Not just appearance, but his attitudes are so cute~

Used this scan for Spanner. I changed the pipes' angle, 'cause scan's was a bit weird.

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  1. Zaknaffein Aug 16, 2011

    It's perfect! He is the best character in Reborn series. I'm waiting younger version. Cute, little Candy Boy:)

  2. rosu Aug 17, 2011

    Oooh. Spanner~~ *-* (hehe I agree..) The roughness of the lines look okay since you whole wall is like that, plus the way you coloured it fits it very well. Love it! Nice extensions and the lolipops on the floor.. -steals one- XD

  3. Chloe Retired Moderator Aug 17, 2011

    I've always wanted to make a wallpaper of that scan! I'm SO glad someone did!
    Nice job!

  4. lisz Aug 17, 2011

    love this >D
    Your vectoring is beautiful~ I esp. love the thick lines, and the expression on his face is pure win (:
    The colors work; I kind of wish you had a more vibrant version, but lovely job regardless.

  5. aIshiRoi Aug 17, 2011

    Ride already said it all.. love it! almost everything about it and its SPANNER!<3
    glad that someone walled him!<3

  6. mbeckley Aug 17, 2011

    I like the "tech" feel of it. :D

  7. FiiFO Aug 17, 2011

    Spanner X3 you did a nice job considering the orignal scan was black and white - good vector work and extending the background.

  8. Tina18 Aug 17, 2011

    I love spanner. Thanks for giving his some screen time <3
    Nicely done with the green on his clothes and the bg looks great!

  9. NenrikiKaen Aug 17, 2011

    Love the candies :))) You're right, something's missing..hmm..maybe more details?Not sure.I can't really tell either.It needs something..something to spice it up
    Anyway, regardless, I like it.You did a good job.

  10. ForgottenFilly Aug 17, 2011

    HECK YES, SPANNER. I love this! x3

  11. linxxx Aug 18, 2011

    Spaner! this is very good ^__^

  12. Pinkya Aug 18, 2011

    this is done so amazingly! :3 i love the vector n the colors~ everything looks awesum ^-^
    keep it up~! d^^b

  13. Nyo-chan Aug 28, 2011

    Ohhh Spaner, good job XD.

  14. FlyAwayGrenade Sep 07, 2011

    It's very nice to see a Spanner wallpaper! He doesn't get enough attention!

    Lovely wallpaper but I am not sure about one thing, the goggles seem a bit TOO big for his face, might be just me though!

    Good job anyways

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