
Wand of Fortune Wallpaper: Good Morning Sunshine

Kagerou Usuba, Idea Factory, Wand of Fortune, Alvaro Garay Wallpaper
Kagerou Usuba Mangaka Idea Factory Studio Wand of Fortune Visual Novel Alvaro Garay Character

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hey everyone! Well here is my newest wallpaper. I hope you guys like it, I worked really hard on this..lol. The vector of Alvaro took me about 4 days. I used a bit of a different method and went with using shapes instead of paths. I see a huge difference and I really enjoyed doing it. I also decided to go with colored lines this time instead of black. I added a few gradients to the lines with the suggestions of Kamlotten(from animepaper) and Nysha. I also really tried to focus on gradients and using shapes to add more shading and gradients. For the wall itself, just about everything is vectored. I had a hard time trying to vector the bed straight from the scan so I sketched over it lightly using my tablet and vectored it from there. The rest are vectored from various pics that I will link together. XD So anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this. Thank you too everyone who gave suggestions and helped me out!

For more sizes, go to animepaper: http://www.animepaper.net/art/211905/good-morning-sunshine

Original scan: X

Curtain: X

Dresser and Vase: X

Window: [url=http://absurdwordpreferred.deviantart.com/art/Window-transparent-PNG-163124311?q=boost%3Apopular+window+png&qo=3]X

Floor: X

Time Spent: 1 week
Program Used: Photoshop CS5
Series: Wand of Fortune

vector-wallers chamber-of-kings photoshop-lovers

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  1. NarinaInoe Aug 10, 2011

    Give me kisss >3< ha ha sorry >///////< i got to much in this ;) like it like it!

  2. srsn Aug 10, 2011

    The vector is again very simple and plain. It's as if you just used 3 layers - base, shadow and lighting. I'm not saying it's bad, but I hope you can improve on it. Seeing that it's a scenic wallpaper, it's not right for it. I think that kind of simpleness is better suited for something like your DRRR wallpaper. I can also see some leakage of vector around the pants and hair.

    As for the BG, you could have made the patterns smaller so as to give it depth and also add shadows to them like on the upper corner or lower part of the wallpaper so that it doesn't look flat. The table doesn't have shadows casted on the floor too...

    One thing I love is the windows coz they look just right...

    Keep it up.

  3. Nysha Aug 10, 2011

    Whoosh copy/paste from ap because this already took a long time to write!

    Ah nice you finished. :3 I see you applied some changes, but it's quicker than I expected - I thought you were going to add a lot more to him! XD So he still looks unfinished to me. For example, there are still details missing: the line of shine on the upper right of his hair, coloring in the white of the left (shadowed) eye, and the fold lines on his shirt. It's also a bit too obvious seeing the singular gradients you used to shade parts like the hair and clothes. The skin is better because there are several shades with multiple gradients on top of each other - and you should have done the same with the bluer shape of shadowed hair on the left side that you could have added. However one gradient on his skin, the pink colored one on his neck, needs to also be applied on his chest/shoulder area and upper left of his face too (basically the areas more in shadow), because without them it appears he has changing skin tones on either sides of his shirt. o.o

    As for applying the gradient on the hair lineart, that's a start, but then you get the unfortunate effect of the lines disappearing where their gradient blends with the the base hair gradient. Also, the lines in shadow right where the bangs come out of the forehead still need to be darkened too. I would suggest breaking up some of the hair lines into several layers to control their gradients separately. And try a blending mode like multiply to solve the disappearing problem. :)

    Other details like the eye lashes and stray light colored hairs (again, on the left side in shadow) would make the vector more interesting and less blocky if added. Adding a small gray gradient in the eyes would make them rounder too.

    As for the background, I agree that the lighting can be improved with brighter sun rays, but if you do, I would say make the upper right corner of the room darker in return (just play with more gradients with blending modes!). I would say try a light golden color for the light. And those white floor tiles need to be a darker shade of gray (especially since lacking a shadow below the dresser!)

    Overall you have a great start but you just finished it too soon leaving out these kinds of details that would have made the wall much more engaging!

  4. barbi97 Aug 10, 2011

    so cute:) <3
    the wall is really like, thanks for sharing:)

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